Chapter Twenty One

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"Please don't make me go home," I beg Andy, becoming weak as he tries to pull away from my grip around his body.

"Julie, I don't know what to tell you. Give me some time to think," he says in an angry tone.

"I can't," I plead, sliding down his chest and dropping straight to the floor.

My mother and father were waiting in the hotel lobby for me to go with them. I wasn't ready to leave this tour, I wasn't ready to leave Andy. I was too weak, I can't do it.

"Please," I beg as I sink into the floor. It felt like my world was falling apart all around me. I knew this feeling all too well.

"Listen," he kneels down and lifts my chin up to look me in the eyes, "I'm not going to let you go home."

"You're not?" I feel a heavy weight lift off my chest.

"No, Juliet. I need you to stay with me on this tour if either one of us are going to see the end," he explains. "But I need you to work with me, okay?"

"Okay," I say, grabbing ahold of both his hands.

"We're going to tell your parents we're getting married, alright? That worked the last time, didn't it?" He explains, lifting me to me feet.

"With TJ? I mean, I guess. We actually got engaged though," I say, remembering back to Warped Tour 2013.

"Yeah, neither of us are ready for that yet, so we're just going to fake it, alright?"

"Okay," I say, feeling my heart beat faster in my chest at the thought of TJ and I being engaged.

"Follow my lead," he says, taking my hand and leading me to meet my parents.

Andy was amazing with words. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He convinced both my mother and father that we were engaged and that I absolutely needed to be by his side in order to plan out our wedding.

"So please," Andy says, wrapping an arm around my waist, "don't take my fiancée from me."

"Andrew," my father says, "I appreciate everything you've done, but I'm afraid she needs to come home."

I felt myself turning pale. I couldn't help but dig my nails into his side. I can't leave him, not now.

"Explain to me why," Andy says, calmly pulling my nails out of his side and constricting my hand with his.

"Ronnie has reserved her a bed at the institute," he quietly explains to Andy.

"What!?" Andy becomes extremely defensive over me.

"He said she's been acting differently ever since the tour started. He thinks she's going crazy," my dad explains, as if I wasn't standing there in front of him.

"He has no right to claim her sanity," Andy becomes agitated. "You are not taking her to a mental facility."

Ronnie is trying to put me in a mental institution? He thinks I'm crazy? How does he even have the right to do this?

"Even if she is sane, we're going to need to take her home to get her checked up. Better to be safe than sorry," my mother interrupts.

"No," Andy pulls me back behind him, "this is your daughter you are talking about. You want your baby girl to be in an institution for the insane?"

I buried my face in Andy's shoulder blades, trying to block out reality. I'm not crazy, I know I'm not. I'm an adult, nobody has control over me. How could any of them have a say in my sanity?

"Andy," my father touches his shoulder, "I need you to let her go, it's for the best. You wouldn't want her to get sicker, would you?"

"No," he says, considering the option, "but she's not sick."

"Yes, she is, honey," my mom argues, trying to convince him otherwise.

"Andy, please don't let me go," I whisper, trying to keep myself grounded. He can't let me go. I'm not crazy.

"I'm sorry," he says, turning and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"Andrew, please," I plead, feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes. I can't leave his side, not yet. I just met him, this can't be the end already.

"I'm sorry," he says once again, "but I'm not going to let you take Juliet." He picks me up and begins to walk away, "she's staying on this tour with me."

"Oh, thank god," I cry, letting my emotions hit.

"You're not crazy, baby," he tells me, "but there could be a reason why they think you are."

"What?" I ask, holding onto his neck as he carries me back to the hotel room.

"I've seen it before," he explains without giving detail, "I just think you have a severe case."

"Of what, Andy!?" I beg him to tell me.

Andy stayed silent as we returned to the hotel room. It was almost scary when he started to think, you never knew what was going on in his head. It seemed like forever before he said a word to me. I just sat there on the bed and listened to him think.

"Juliet," he stops pacing in front of me and takes both of my hands.

"Yeah?" I study every feature of his face, hoping he doesn't think I'm crazy.

"You're not crazy," he says, kissing my forehead, "but I think I know what is going on."

"What?" I beg for him to answer me. Am I physically sick? Am I going to die?

"You're pregnant. There's just no other way."

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