Chapter - 1 -

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A/N: God I'm stoked really!

Ben's p.o.v.;

I stepped out of the building. First day of school back in UK and it was already hell. Everyone looking at me, whispering behind my back, fuck these pricks, really.

I walk out of there, as fast as I can. It's weird to walk these streets now. I feel a bit alone here. I had friends in states, places to go, I knew the streets. Right here I feel like I'm this one "freak" in school. Of course I'm not the only one but you know, it's just how I feel. At least they don't pick on me. 

I walk back to the house I supposed to be calling "home" now. I don't know it doesn't flow for me. Whatever. I say "hi" and stand on the first step up. Stairs creaked painfully. Ugh, it'll be hard to get out of home unnoticed. I sigh and get upstairs. 

I walk into the room that's my bedroom now. It's okay. Bed on the right, tv and a closet where I put my clothes in yesterday.  Window in front of the door. I throw my bag somewhere, myself on the bed and pull out my ipod.

That's how I'm gonna spend the rest of my day.

I open my eyes but darkness didn't disappear. What the fuck. Plugs lay next to me, ipod still playing, it's dark and silent. I check my phone and it's 2AM. I think I slept since around 4PM so I guess I won't fall asleep again now. I got up with a sigh, grabbed clean t-shirt and went to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower and stood there for god knows how long. But finally I god out, dressed and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror and sighed at my fucked up hair. i don't care, it's a middle of the night. I grab a hoodie, cigs and ipod from my room and walk down the stais as quiet as I could. I walk out and cold air hits my face. It's nice though. I lit up my cigarette and walk the streets alone blasting some music. 

I found a nice park pretty close to our house. I spend some time in there, eventually moving forward. I turn to one random street and lit up my second cigarette. I walk with my head low, already bored. 

I hear something. 

Or not?

No, someone.

I look up and see a figure standing on a balcony of the house that was few steps from where I stood and a few feet up. I pull out my ear plugs.

"U said something?" I ask.

"Yeah I said 'It's not safe to walk these streets alone at 3AM' which is true." He said.

I smiled. I didn't care about what he said, but he looked quite funny. He stood in pyjama pants and a hoodie with a cig stuck in his mouth, gripping on that balcony's rail. 

"I'm alright. But I think you're freezing your ass off right now" I say. 

We're talking in a normal voice cause it's really quiet on the street.

"I needed a smoke." He said, pushing his black hair from his face back to the hood.

I just nod and smile. 

"You're the new kid in our school." He said out of nowhere.

My eyes widened. He's in that school?

"Ugh." is all I say.

"I'm Danny." He said with a straight face.

"Ben. Nice to meet you."

"Can't shake your hand though" Danny said with a grin on his face.

"It's alright" I laugh.

Then I start to feel uncomfortable with how we talk. He stand up there and I creep down here. He can't go down for some reason so I want to fucking disappear already. But he's nice...

"I'm cold here" He stated "I'm gonna go back to sleep. If you want we can see eatch other at school tomorrow."

"Yeah it would be nice. I don't know anyone yet." I smile.

"Uhm... But you know I'm not someone who is... liked by other people." He said looking away from me.

"Why would I care?"

"it can affect you." He mumbled.

"I don't give a fuck, mate. See you at school then" I say, wave my hand and walk away. I didn't see his reaction, but after around thirty seconds I heard balcony door open and close.

I wanted to go away first because it would be weird if I waited until he's gone and I'm left on the street staring at his house, that's would be creepy. 

I walked back home thinking about the situation. It's weird. From all of the people I met him. Well I wouldn't talk back to a fucking stranger on a balcony but he had long hair and a band hoodie on so I thought we might have something in common. 

I stepped in through the door and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then I have to figure something out with my hair and pack for school. I actually have alot of time, it's only 4:30AM but I guess I'll just watch TV or something. I get back upstairs and sit on my bed.

Danny, huh? He's not the "liked one". Do they bully him? Or maybe he has no friends and overreacting, that's possible. Whatever, I'll find out. He didn't seem to be a freak. 

I sigh and turn on TV with one hand, in other holding bowl of cheerios. Only cartoons were on.


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