Chapter - 33 -

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I woke up and stared into darkness trying to figure out who's on the bus and where. I smiled to myself, hearing emptiness and James playing games in the back lounge. I peeked out of my bunk to see if he closed the door. He did. I grinned and slid out of my bunk. I opened the curtain below my bunk and jumped on top of Danny, pressing my hand to his mouth so that no one could hear his shocked shout.

"What the hell are you doing, Benji?" He whispered, giggling.

"Came down here to say good morning" I smiled. "And to get my daily morning kiss."

"Oh so we have daily morning kisse now?" He raised an eyebrow, caressing my back.

"Yes. And evening ones, too. In case you didn't know that." I said, smiling widely.

"Alright baby." He chuckled quietly.

"I love when you say that." I mumbled into his neck while cuddling up to him.

"Baby?" He petted my head. "You are my babe, baby." He laughed.

"Doesn't that sound good?" I chuckled too.

"It does. Especially when it's about you." He said and kissed me.

I heard the bus door shut and heard Cam's and Sam's voices in the front lounge.

"We have to get up, don't we?"

"We do." He sighed. "I can't wait for our evening kisses, Ben." He whispered and kissed me again. "Now get out you little sexy fucker." He pecked my nose.

How cute was that? I loved him so much.

I slid out of his bunk and went to the bathroom. Around two minutes later I heard him going to the front and saying hello. I got dressed and got there too to get a breakfast.

"And we have to be ready for a hard work." I heard Danny say.

"And that is because...?" I asked, getting into a conversation. "Morning."

"Morning, Ben." Danny smiled sweetly to me and then continued. "It's almost warped tour, you know, princess 'on time'?" He joked.

"Oh. It's so quick.We really need to work on this album."

"I actually went to the venue earlier today to do a 'drum soundcheck' cause I thought thinking of something while practicing is better than creating it on the computer. And I have few things, we have to talk it through." James said, drinking coffee.

"That's fucking great!" I cheered. "We can do that on our actual soundcheck and start writing today!"

"Yeah, would be great." James nodded.

"Let's do this guys." Cam smiled. We finished our breakfast and headed to the venue, buying some good liquor on our way. Well it wasn't actually on our way but... It was a really good liquor, I guess. We finished our soundcheck having an outlines of two new songs. We got back to the bus and we worked on a very raw, demo version of these songs, creating drums outline in a program, recording the lead guitar. Danny hummed different melodies trying to choose the best one. Then it was our show time. We did bitchin', crowd was crazy, bras onstage and some really good vibes! Danny grabbed my ass onstage, making people scream. I laughed to myself and looked around, playing. Only the two of us knew. Everyone around cheered, thinking it was only a joke, when we had some passionate feeling for each other. After the show and meeting fans we got more drunk and just played some stupid games in our bus.

When I woke up and got a morning kiss from Danny, I put on some clean clothes and walked out of the bus to look around.

"We're here." I smiled and looked around the field. I felt arms around my waist and Danny's smell greeted me.

"It's so amazing." He said.

"It is. It's unbelievable, we're playing at warped." I sighed. I tried to move away but he held me tightly.

"Someone can see us Danny." I whispered.

"And what?" I felt him shrugging his shoulders.

"We'd be fucked. Band will leave us, fans will hate us, friends will abandon us. Don't you understand that?"

"You're getting paranoid about it, Benji." He tried to calm me down and kissed my shoulder. It didn't help at all.

"No I'm just serious and I care about the consequences, I know you don't, you never do." I mumbled, still in his warm grip.

"We're together for few days." He said and the 'together' word sounded like it was a sweetest secret of all. "What will we do in few months, Ben? We'll pretend forever?" He sighed into the shoulder he previously kissed.

"If we have to." I said angrily and he finally let go of me.

"What are you talking about, Ben? It's impossible..."

"We have to wait, Dan. We can't just jump out onstage and tell the whole world we're together!" I touched his hand gently and moved back to a safe distance.

"Alright, we'll wait." He nodded. "I just want to tell them someday..."

"That's alright. When we're both ready." I said and he just nodded and hugged me friendly.

We had a smoke in silence and then could start checking on ours crew's work. We wandered around the fields and met a lot of people who wanted to take pictures and give them autographs. I was a little bit nervous so I downed two drinks in the bus and we headed to get onstage.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter bit I'm really tired today. Love you all <3

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