Chapter - 19 -

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I don't know how did I spend my alone hours. I was drunk all the time, not doing anything, smoking like a chimney. But today I decided to go for a walk. It was a warm afternoon - I think it was warm, because I felt cold anyways. But people had only tank tops and t-shirts on. I went to the park near our house and spend some time in there, mostly sitting on a bench smoking and watching ducks swim on a lake. I had my earphones in, blasting Skid Row.

Then I noticed someone sitting down next to me. First I winced in irritation but that person looked at me and then I knew. I took my plugs out.

"Hey." I said. He just looked at me.

This look was a question look and I knew he's not gonna say anything apart from the price.

"Depends on what do you have." I said quietly.

He smiled a little.

"Whatever, give me anything. I'm done with being drunk I need something else."


I pulled out banknotes of my pocket and slid them into guy's pocket carefully. Then I felt his hand in my pocket and before I knew he was gone. I sat there for few more minutes, finishing my smoke and headed home.

I grabbed a little mirror out of my closet and looked at the little pack I bought. I made few lines.

"That's it, that's what I need."

I met the guy the other day. And the next one. Or maybe it was just one day? Or two weeks...? I don't care. All that time I looked at the bottom of the bottle and my face in the mirror dirty from the white powder of two kinds of drugs.

I had a quite big assortment. I spent all the money I had on it.


I sniffed that shit and fell on my back with the "ah" shout.

I smiled to myself. I looked at the ceiling. I felt like playing. So i sat down on the floor and created new riffs.

Then I put it down. Why didn't Danny call me to tell me about the practice?

I stumbled through all my stuff and bed sheets to find it. I finally had it in my hand and pressed the home button but nothing happened. Shit! My battery died. I had to find a charger. I was high off my fucking tits and believe me it really took me a while. Finally I plugged it in and had to wait. It finally turned on and I checked it.

Well, fuck.

18 missed calls

Mostly James and Danny. And mom. Fuck. And the messages.

Dan: James said that we can practice without Joel. So see you at 9 tomorrow. :)

Dan: Are you coming?

Dan: You could at least call us.

James: Hey is everything alright? Danny said you won't talk to him.

Dan: I'm standing in front of your house. Can we talk?

Dan: you have the lights on...

James: Is Danny with you? He's gone.

James: Guys it's been almost four days what's going on???

Cam: wtf guys are you leaving us??

I immediately texted James back.

Me: James I'm so fucking sorry!!! I've been a prick not checking my phone and my battery died.

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