Chapter - 4 -

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Ben's p.o.v.

I back the locker and smile as I see Danny walking towards me. He had the same hoodie on, black skinnies and a little crazy hair.
I felt nice and warm inside as he hugged me friendly knowing there was no one around that would stare at us and pick on him even for that.
"I'm sorry for yesterday." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I was an asshole a bit. But I'm glad you're here, still talking to me." He said looking down.
I smiled and tapped his shoulder.
"Don't worry mate, I can guess that you're under some pressure."
"Thank you Ben."
"Wanna go out fir a cig?"
"Nah I can't, a butt-head-teacher wants me to come over. Hate that bitch..."
"That's okay, wanna hang out after school then?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Right after class, let's meet here huh?" He smiled and I watched him go away. I couldn't stop smiling. I can't wait to hang out with him again.

>>>>after school<<<<<

I stood waiting for Danny again, after school. Just like I did in the morning. It was already completely silent in the corridor. I check my phone - nothing. And he's 15 minutes late. What the hell?
Then I hear coughing. Bored I walked slowly to the corner and looked around it. I see the man's toilet door open and the coughing got louder. I take a peek inside and almost choke on my own breath.
Danny's kneeling on the cold, dirty floor, spitting - almost vomiting - blood. My heart skipped a beat, I jumped to him and fell on my own knees grabbing him by his shoulders.
"Danny! Danny! What the fuck, what happened?!" I shout and try to make him look at me.
He mumbled something not audible for my ears. I grab his face and look at him. His nose bleeding, fresh blood on his chin, running down from his mouth.
"Who fucking did this?!" I keep asking.
He looked at me with pain in his eyes.
"Who did this?!"
Then his eyes change and I could see the purest anger and hate I've ever seen. He gently took my hands off his face, spit the blood on the floor like it's blasphemy and got up. He washed his face with cold water from the sink and looked in the dirty mirror.
"Danny please answer me. Tell me anything." I pleaded, still shaken up a bit.
"There was six of them. Fucking SIX!" He said rapidly, shaking with bowled fists hanging by his side. It was hard for me to breathe. Before I could react and stop him he hit the mirror with one of these fists. It fell down in pieces cutting his hand even more than when he hit it.
I couldn't say anything. I just looked at him.
"Danny." I whispered. He turned around to face me. I didn't move.
"See? That's how it fucking looks like. There's no fighting... I'm helpless. Now even you thin I'm a weak cunt. They all do." He rubbed his face like he's tired getting more blood on it. He turned around. In the other mirror I could see tears forming in his eyes.
He didn't know what to do.
"I hate them so much and I can't do anything about it...." He whispered. "I want to fight. I tried to. But there's always too many of them." He shivered. He sighed and wiped the tears away.
I got up, came closer to him, grabbed his shoulder to turn him around and wrapped my arms around him taking him by suprise.
"I swear I'm gonna help you kick their asses off no matter what. No matter fucking what. They deserve the worst in the world. Motherfuckin' bitches waited until you're alone!" I whispered in his ear in disbelief.
"Don't worry Ben. Just... Can I spend some time with you? I don't wanna go back home. Please." He seemed a little bit more calm. My eyes widened.
"Sure. You can stay as long as you want. But are you alright, Danny? You coughed with blood what if something happened to your insides or something?" I asked rubbing his back a little bit.
"It's been worse mate." He sighed "thank you for being here. Thank you so much." He added.
I grabbed him by his unharmed hand and decided to help him wash his other one and his face.
He stayed silent and let me do it. He was so brave. This pain was killing him obviously! But he never complained, or changed the look on his face. He just looked at me cleaning him up and repeated 'thank you' from time to time. I finished eventually. I slowly put my hand on his head and slid it down his hair and side of the neck.
He looked at me.
"I think I didn't appreciate how much of a good friend you could be. You... Surprised me, kinda." He said calmly. My heart skipped another beat.
"Danny. I told you I'm gonna do my best. I regret it so much that I didn't search for you earlier, I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"Let's get going, Dan. And by the way, you're not a weak cunt. And I'll make you believe that."

A/N: This and the next chapter were one but I figured I' cut it in two so it's easier to read :)

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