Chapter - 5 -

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I open the door and face my mom. Well, shit.

"Hey honey. Oh, who's that with you?"

"Hey mom. Um... It's my friend Danny." I say stepping aside. My mom covered her mouth with her hand and looked at us in shock.

"What the hell happened, child?" She asked and she grabbed his shoulders.

"Mom" I say. Reminded, she let him go.

"What happened?" She asked again.

"Well me and Danny were supposed to hangout and he got jumped after school but now it's alright, I believe." I said.

"Are you sure? Benjamin maybe we should take him to the hospital?"

"No, Mrs. ..."

"Bruce." She helped him, smiling.

"Mrs. Bruce. I really just got a hit or two in the face but Ben helped me out and I owe him one, it looks worse than it is really, you can believe me I'm alright." He said, smiling gently as he spoke.

My mom sighed and patted mine and his head making me feel uncomfortable. We're not five!

"I'll make you boys some coffee and sandwiches, huh?"

"Yeah would be great." I said and watched her go away. Then I send Danny the 'sorry mate' look and went upstairs.

We sat down and drank out coffees, not touching sandwiches, we weren't really hungry right now.

"I'll give you something to wear."

Danny frowned.


"Mate, your hoodie is covered with blood stains. You're lucky it's black cause my mom would pass out otherwise."

I handed him a t-shirt.

"Um... Can I have something with long sleeves?" I raised an eyebrow at his words "That mirror... You know I don't want your mom to see my hand." He said looking away.

"Ouh, you're right. I'll find something in a second." I said as I stuck my head into my closet. "Here you are" I handed him a black, long sleeve shirt with few buttons on the chest.

"Thanks mate." He said and turned around to walk out of the room. "Where's the bathroom? "

"Out, take a lefty, second door" I said and blinked at him. He laughed a little. His giggle was a relief. He really was tough. He almost vomited with blood, destroyed his fist, then walked to my house for half an hour, confronted my panicking mother and now he's just alright, an hour later. Or acting alright.

He came back and handed me his hoodie shyly. "Thanks again, mate."

"No prob. So. Do you wanna stay and sleep over?" I asked handing him a sandwich.

"Yeah sure." He smiled.

"You gotta call your parents, want me to talk to them or something?"

"Um, no. They don't really care if I'm gone for fucking ages." He shrugged his shoulders.

Ugh, that's not nice.

He sat down on my bed and looked over on my guitar.

"You play?" He asked with full mouth, enthusiastically pointing my guitar.

"I do. Do you play anything?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"I haven't seen it yesterday. Yea I attempt to play guitar too." He giggled.

"I had it hidden in my closet yesterday." I explained. "Play something for me!"

"I'm not really talented" he winced.

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