Chapter - 36 -

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I winced.

What the hell is going on.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. Something in me held my eyelids down. I tried really hard. I couldn't feel my whole body.

Wait. There's one... One little touch...

Fingers, I assumed. I lasted in this emptiness state trying to feel that touch better, concentrate on it. These fingers... Clenching on my arm, gripping like holding for dear life.

A hand, I knew this soft, warm hand. It motivated me. It felt like my skin connected back to my body. A grip was really strong. I felt a breath in my chest, just like it was gone all this time.

"He's breathing!!!" I heard a full of panic scream.

Wow I really needed to wake up. I forced myself to feel and soon opened my eyes. Breathing was almost fucking too hard.

"Wh-" I couldn't finish the sentence. I felt a weight leaning on me and my head being pressed to the chest. Danny's chest.

"Here, give him some." I heard James.

Danny's warm chest backed away and i felt a cup pressed to my lips. As I felt the cold water on them I drank all of it as fast as I could, still struggling with breathing. I breathed slowly, heavily when I put the empty plastic cup on the floor next to me. Danny hugged me again.

"You're alright, you're alright." I heard and I realized he was crying. He sobbed, caressing the back of my head.

"What happened?" I said and barely heard my own voice because it was a terrible hoarse.

"I thought you were fucking dying!" He sobbed. I winced at him, everyone was there looking at me.

"I just passed out, fucking hell..." I mumbled.

"Ben... You stopped breathing for like... Two minutes." James pushed the sentence out of his throat, still shocked.

"That was fucking scary!" Sam sighed loudly with relief and backed the couch cause we were sitting on the ground. I looked at them and they were all pretty fucking scared. I looked at Danny kneeling by my side, tears stained on his cheeks.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"We told them you felt really bad and they left. Don't you remember?" James asked.

"Remember what?" I looked at them. "I remember coming in here and... Darkness." I said. They exchanged looks.

"You stood here like a figure for few minutes getting more and more pale, looking at us with tears in your eyes." Sam started. "James ran to tell people to get out and right after he left, you collapsed on the ground..."

"You didn't breathe, Ben." Danny whispered. Was that for real? Well I shouldn't be surprised, I was smashed. Danny. Why the fuck is he kneeling here, not anyone else??

"Wow, Mr. Worsnop cares?" I started, as I felt my anger coming back.

"What?" He said.

"Guys..." Cam started trying to calm us down.

"Shut the fuck up." I said to him and looked back at Danny.

"I do care... I always're my friend." He said, quietly.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow and slowly started getting up. "All these days, did you, really? Or when you fucked that whore?" I mumbled the second question quietly. But I think he heard. I looked down on him. He had tears in his eyes. My anger went away somewhere, when I fucking needed it to protect my heart from pain.

"How can I save us?" - BrusnopWhere stories live. Discover now