Chapter - 6 -

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw a familiar face that brought the smile up on my face. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes, then played with my hair a little. I looked down at Danny. We slept in our clothes we put on last the evening. I saw that his shirt was pulled up a bit so that I could see his bony hip. I felt tickling and some kind of pressure in my stomach because I saw a bruise. It brought up the image of him showing me them all. This tickling was my deep need to beat these assholes til they crawl and beg for mercy. I lied down again facing this sleepy head.

"Waky waky. Bitch" I said smiling to him as his eyes opened and hang these two blue lakes on me.

"I don't wanna get up."

"You don't have to tell me that. But well. Get out of my bed! Go have a shower and I'll get us something to eat in that time"

"Kay. Can I borrow this shirt?" He asked pointing at the one he wore. "It's so comfy."

"Yea take it, it's already sunk with your gross smell!" I laughed. He pushed me a little with a grin on his face and got up slowly.

I made some sandwiches and on my way up I heard that Danny got out of the bathroom. I started my packing for school and shoved the whole sandwich in my mouth.

"Thanks Benj, now you can go" he said as he walked i to my bedroom rubbing his wet hair with the towel. His eyes got bigger as he choked laughing.

"O-oh my god Ben" he couldn't stop laughing "you look like a fucking hamster"

I struggled with the sandwich in my mouth and finally swallowed it.

"Shut up" I giggled. "I'll take a shower and I'm ready to go."

I took a shower and came back to my room. Danny sat down on my bed and move his finger across the notebook on his knees.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Just some notes" he shrugged and shove it into his bag.

There was no one home so I locked the front door behind us and we started walking towards school.

"Ugh..." I sigh. "Danny... Maybe we could skip a day, huh?" I asked.

"Well... I don't know..." He said looking at me with the corner of his eye.

"Don't mess with me!" I laughed as I saw him smiling.

"Ok so where we could go?" He asked.

"Well I just move in, I don't know any place really. Do you know where we could go?"

"Well, there's a river not that far away from here and it's actually warm so we can go there."

"Cool, wanna get something to drink? My dad is out of town at work for another week and my mom won't be home until 8PM or so."

"Yeah, c'mon there's a liquor store around the corner. They know me in there so there won't be any problem."

I smiled at him and just like he said, we bought some alcohol for us. Then we headed to the side if the river. It was really nice out there. It was silent, no one around and we were covered from others eyes by trees. I threw my hoodie on the grass and we sat down on it.

It was amazing out there.

"I like to come here when I don't want to go home or I'm pissed off. Except from yesterday, you took me to your home." He blushed a little. It really meant a lot to him apparently.

We opened the whiskey bottle and started sipping from it.

"It's way nicer here when I'm not alone trying to calm down, mostly."

I nodded with a grin on my face and passed him the bottle. I pulled out and lit a cigarette. Then I got the bottle back and passed Danny the cigarette. I watched him blow out the smoke. Then he took the bottle back and drank again, pouring the whiskey in his throat.

"I'm not gonna drag you home." I laughed.

"Don't worry about it" he laughed. "You prick. You think that I can't drink?" He poked me, still smiling.

"I didn't say that" I defended myself. Danny chuckled again, pulled my hair and pretended hitting my jaw with his fist, doing it in slow motion.

"Bam." He said, focused.

"Dan, you clown."

"Shut up. I'm practicing on you."

I laughed and laid down on the grass.

"Since I'm a nosy fuck, can you tell me what's that notebook you have?" I asked.

He took a sip from the bottle and looked down at me.

"It's just some dumb 'lyric' thing I have. Mostly just a couple of line that pop to my mind, nothing special. You wanna see it don't you?" He smirked.

"Of course I do. And maybe we could figure something out for our song, don't you think?" I sat back up staring at Danny pulling the notebook out of his bag and passed it to me.

I felt a pressure of his nervous eyes seeking for my reactions. I smiled to myself and opened the thing. That was a lot of mess, he was right, a bunch of different things.

I focused my attention on the ones written nice, cause they were very 'poetic' and the ones written in a rush, he propably almost broke the pencil writing it. I read.

'Tear out my eyes, Remove my gift of Sight, proves ever cursing. The light won't find us here, Painted red, my eyes are burning! And still you hide behind the waves.'

That was awesome. I read another quoted lines he wrote. Some of them were really great... I smiled to myself all the time. I realized Danny saw that but it's alright, I'm not gonna hide that I like his lyrics. He calmed down and drank some more, not looking at me anymore. I peeked on him for a sec and he tried to hide a smile. Hahah Dan.

I look down again and read further.

'Oh my God. If only he knew about the world without the bullshit and the lies,

We could've saved him. They could've saved me. But instead I'm here drowning in my own fucking mind, And I'll be damned if you're the death of me. Blood and ink stain the walls. Silently with bloodied knuckles, I carry on, Hoping it's not too wrong.'

That's freaking amazing. I'll make him use these no matter what! Maybe we could have a band...? I just left guys in states but... This could actually work out! But there's only two of us. Well, I'll think about it.

I focus on the notebook again and turn few pages.

"How stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away?"

The notebook disappeared from my hands. I look up surprised. Did I read it out loud? I might, I felt the alcohol already a little. Danny hid the notebook back and took my pack of cigarettes and took one.

"Hey, why did you take it away? I wasn't even in the half of it!" I complained.

"Stop whining and drink, Benj, I'm not gonna stare at you reading my bullshit forever" he smirked and handed me the bottle.

"Funny." I said sarcastically and drank. I felt my phone going off so I took it out of my pocket and read the text.

Mom: Hello honey, I won't be back home tonight, I have some work to do and I'll stay with uncle David and aunt Marie. Is that alright with you? You can invite your friend over if you want :)

Me: It' alright. And yeah sure that's great.

Mom: I'm glad you have a friend here, I was scared that you'd hate us for moving. Love you, be good!

"Yessss" I grinned. "My mom won't be home until tomorrow, wanna come over? I asked excited.

"You sure?" He asked, smiling. Not sure if that's alcohol or he was so happy.

"Yeah. We can already go there if you want, no one will bother our drunk asses!" I got up and helped him out. I mean we weren't that drunk, I just helped him, or maybe we were. I don't know! That whole bottle was gone. So we walked back to my home. We wouldn't shut up of course, commenting on everything on our way. That's gonna be fun.

A/N: The next chapter tonight loves <3

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