Chapter - 22 -

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>>two days later<<

We finished recording. Fun in the studio has come to an end.

I looked at Danny and Sam packing their stuff into bags, rushing. Of course we slept over and we had an hour to pack and get ready to go on tour. We had a first show tonight and we had to make it to the venue.

"Want some help?" I asked them sitting on my own, packed bag.

"I have this." Danny said sitting on his bag to zip it.

"I do!" Sam said and i got up and planked on his bag.

"NOW Sam!!!! Now!" I hysterically screamed and tried to hold back the laughter.

"If that's your help then I don't need any!" He laughed and tried to zip his bag not having my hair in it.

They finally were ready and we packed our bags to the RV. Then our amps, guitars, etc. and we were ready to go.

We said goodbye to everyone and thanked them for recording our album. It'll be up within a week or so.

We and our driver got in and here we are. On a road.

I sat down in our front and looked through the window feeling really insecure for the first time. This is all I wanted. Something I've always desired.

Still it felt like I couldn't take the fullest of it. I looked at guys trying to walk in the moving rv. I giggled at them and of course I got a fist punch on my head for that from James.

"Don't beat me you cunt!" I said and tried to make him fall, but he caught me and tried to trap me under his pit. He's way fucking stronger!

"I would like to see you trying to walk here!" He shouted.

"I'm not that stupid like you and sit on my arse." I mumbled into his side "I'm suffocating with your pit stink!!! Fucking hell let me go!!!" I screamed pretending panic.

I heard everyone laugh and when James let go of me we all did.

We pulled over soon and I got out for a cigarette. I walked around the venue with Sam being just stoked. We had a little soundcheck, then we got something to eat and then I could sit in the RV and watch people come around the venue. I smiled to myself. I wished we were headliners one day...

"What is that perv face?!" I heard and Danny jumped do sit next to me.

"Just creeping on these people and wondering." I laughed at his childish smile.

"Wondering about what. Concretes, Bruce!" He said looking outside too.

"If we ever play as a headliner, have fans and all that stuff." I said and blushed a little at my daydreaming.

"Sure we will!" He poked me gently with his elbow. "We're on the first day of tour, you'll see this happening soon!" he cheered and took a sip of his beer.

I can't believe that's him encouraging me. This is crazy how did he change. And it's a good change! It's great to see him so confident. I took a beer from his hand and drank some.

"I'm nervous." I said.

"I'm not. I don't give a shit. It's gonna be awesome." Danny smiled. Then he looked at his phone and got up. "C'mon. We have to go. We're on in 30 minutes."

I followed him into the venue to meet guys in there and plug everything in.

Finally, the showtime. I was freaking out pretty much, but the second I walked in onstage it felt perfect.

Well, Danny was right. Everything went excellent, it was hard to belive. There was even a moshpit and people cheered at us! After few songs I was exhausted but I couldn't get enough. I watched everyone with the corner of my eye and I knew they felt the same. Danny ran around like the mental kid he is. Last two songs were literally a survival for us, but not him. He still jumped around and entertained people. I just stood smiling to myself, playing and headbanging.

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