Chapter - 31 -

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A/N: I'm hungover as fuck and I just thought I'd share with you about what I just experienced. Don't drink coffee when you're hungover. Please. Don't. It tastes like fish (I'm serious about this it really tastes like a fucking fish from a fucking sea or river or whatever) and it'll make you cuddle with toilet for half an hour.

Just don't you ever do that. Rant's over. <3

Chapter 31, ladies and gentleman.

It's been three days and I'm dying from ignoring Danny. I don't think I can handle this any longer. He's been trying really hard to get my attention. I didn't see him high since I told him to stop. He drank but it wasn't that bad. We barely talked, just stage talks, equipment talks and 'what time is it' talks. But Danny acted weird. In a good way, actually. From time to time he'd check on me if I let him and slid his hand into mine. It was the weirdest thing ever but always made me smile. He'd grin widely and squeeze it like it's his little treasure.

All of my symptoms were gone. I was clean but I knew I need many more weeks to be alright. Danny's pains were gone too, I haven't seen him taking painkillers since yesterday. And we were drunk all this time so it was hard to say. I can't recall many things. We had a problem with this recently but now our shows were fucking terrible. Last night people booed us out and we went to back to bus in silence. But today we held our heads high and hoped for a good show.

"You're pretty enough princess, please get out of the bathroom!" James shouted and I heard everyone laugh in the front.

"Almost done you big-headed old prick!" I shouted back, smiling to my own reflection straightening this crazy mess on my head.

I went out of the bathroom and I saw Cam jump in right after I left. I shrugged and headed to front lounge. James smiled to me on his way to the bathroom.

"Um, James...?" I said but he was already there.

"WTF Cam!" He shouted at the door and banged at it.

I entered the front lounge and saw Sam and Danny dying from laughter.

"What's up?" Sam mouthed, asking.

"Cam kidnapped the bathroom." I chuckled and they started laughing.

"I love it how he's pissed off!"

"You stupid fag fucks!" We heard James throwing shit at Cam.

"Cheeky little bastard!" Danny giggled.

"Want some beer?" I asked, getting myself one.

"Yes, please. But just one, we have a show tonight and we need to fix yesterday's last week's failure!" Sam said and both me and Danny nodded. It was already late, so we decided to have pizza with our tour menager. We paid and had a walk back to the venue through the city center. James smiled widely when he saw a big, shiny bar logo.

"Guys...!" He trailed off.

"Noooo guys!" Danny laughed.

"Oh c'mon, I'd like to drink one!" Cam shouted.

I looked at Sam and he shrugged his shoulders with a smile, pointing one finger up.

"Are you serious!"

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pressed my finger to his lips. He's more cuddly since we had our serious talk and I knew it would work.

"C'mon, just one drink!" I said, almost straightly into his ear.

He had huge eyes stuck on me and I knew it did work. He just smiled to me sweetly and we entered the bar with my arm never leaving Danny's shoulders. He wrapped his around me and ran his fingers through my hair on the back on my head. I just couldn't let go of him. We ordered our drinks and well... It wasn't just one drink... It's been a while and we've drank the drinks, we've done the drugs and clearly we won't remember. (A/N: AAAAAA see what I did there?! xDDI had to, sorry for killing the vibe with my comment here)

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