Chapter - 9 -

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A/N: I'm back! After a killer party and believe me the hangover's killing me right now 😅 some Brusnop might help me :3 cheers! 😜

I yawned when I walked out of the class. It was a long break so I headed to the cafeteria. I noticed Danny sitting alone. I smiled and sat down next to him.

"Hey" I said as I raised a cup of tea to my mouth.

"Hey Ben" he whispered

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"Nothing Ben, I'm just tired." He looked down at the table.




"What?!" He raised his tone and looked at me.

I felt like something heavy felt on my stomach. He had a bruise on his cheek. Few hours in school and it happens!

I got closer to him and we both whisper-talked.

"What happened, Dan?"

"They tried to kick my ass off but i defended myself, successfully this time. I saw this coming and they didn't expect me to fight back cause I haven't in a long time."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Really? Well it's good they didn't knock you out. Who was it?"

"Shawn and Craig. It's fine Ben, really."

I got up with my fists bowled.

Danny grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me down.

"Ben, leave it, please. It's not important.these shits are not worth your attention."

I placed my hand on Danny's and took it off mine. I walked out of the cafeteria and after few seconds heard Danny behind me.

I slowed down and looked at him with question in my eyes.

"You're not kicking their asses alone." He smiled wildly. I raised my hand and we we high fived. That scared, angry kid in the cafeteria was gone. He was confindent and pumped right now, ready for success. I don't understand how is that, but I like that Danny that's showing in him sometimes. This wild, laughing one, not so shy and anti-social.

Our smiles disappeared as we saw Michael, Shawn and Craig few meters away.They noticed us soon and stared in silence. Before we got to them they walked out of the door few steps away and we followed. We soon found out that we're outside of the school, but on the side of it where no one was around.

"What do you want, cunts?" Michael asked.

"From now on you'll fuck off and never talk to us again, Michael. Any of you." Danny said.

"I'm wondering how do you wanna make us" he laughed.

I did a step in their direction.

"Do you really want to know, you fucking dumbass?" I asked.

Michael did a step too so that he could face me.

"I already told you what's gonna happen, didn't you get my answer? Or are you that fucking stupid you can't focus on more than 5 words?"

He leaned in to my ear and whispered, smiling.

"When I'm done with you, this pussy will get to the hospital for goood."

Yeah I bet he does.

His grin disappeared from his face as I hit him in the stomach. Then I kick him in the jaw, grab his hair and push him to the ground before anyone realized what's going on. Then both me and Danny were fighting with other two. Shawn fell down quickly, knocked out by Danny. Then Michael got up, grabbed his hair from behind and tried to make what he said come true. I tried to finish with Craig cause I saw Danny's face. He was terrified because of Michael. That made me so pissed off because I know Danny could fight. He would beat this shits ass without a problem! He wasn't weaker than him... but that piece of shit and his friends and the whole school terrorized Danny for way too long now.

"How can I save us?" - BrusnopWhere stories live. Discover now