Chapter - 20 -

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I think my face looked as scared as his but thank god I couldn't see it.

"Ben." He whispered in terror.

I couldn't believe it. The most painful of all was the way he looked. Messy hair, unshaved face, and the worst; t-shirt showing his scars. He had fresh cuts. And he didn't care everyone could see it. He covers them like crazy all the time and now...? And his eyes. His shiny, beautiful and hoping eyes were like someone blew off the candles sparkling in them and killed his dreams. And his pupils were almost gone, they were so small... Was he on heroin? Please tell me he's not. Someone, please.

I kept my eyes on him.

"Danny." I whispered. "I've been looking for you all day running through the town...." I whispered, still in disbelief. He didn't answer, he just looked at me. "Danny what's going on?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is, we're friends! And you're acting like a rock and roll star!"

"Ben I'm not gonna confess to you. And I've been looking for you cause you didn't come for the practice, didn't call us and when I waited for you outside your house you didn't even bother to open the door!!!" He screamed now with tears forming in his eyes. Why? "I stood there for forty minutes and hoped you'd finally go out..." He trailed off.

"Dan... I was pass-out drunk and high. I didn't even know this happened!" I said with a pleading voice. I wanted to jump over that table and hug him, smell his scent and touch his skin.

"Yeah right" Danny said changing within few seconds. He shrugged his shoulders, grabbed a pipe and smoked some kind of shit not worried about my reactions anymore.

I noticed Adrien looking at us in shock.

"Hey, Danny." He said. "He's telling you the truth... I've seen him everyday." He said immediately trying to cover me.

"Oh really?" He asked with a mean voice and looked at me saying the rest of that sentence. "So what are you doing here now? Buying flowers? Because I see how you hold yourself back from ranting me about using" he played with the pipe between his fingers.

I went into the brightest shade of red.

"How did you meet, Adrien?" He asked him. His words were still full of sarcasm, bitter and poison. He talked friendly but it was a disguise for these three things but he didn't hide them at all. Adrien stayed quiet and wrapped a belt around his arm to take a hit.

"Ben, tell me?" He demanded

"Danny stop it."

"You've been drunk and high, huh? What are you on now, princess purity? Cause I can clearly see."

I looked at my feet and regretted my existence for few minutes. Danny got to my bones with his poisonous words. He's terrible when he's high like that... I can't recognize him.

"I've been high, I am high and I'm not a saint Danny but I don't want you to die!" I said pulling my hair on the sides a little, almost breaking up with tears. That state of mind wasn't good for me, either of us. I felt now how weak it makes me and how cruel it makes Danny.

I used all my powers that have left in me to hold my tears back, just despite him. I looked up at him and I felt like the real Danny was back again. Did he saw my tears?

"Let's go, Ben." He said calmly and got up, he barely could do that.

Great so I have three Dannys now. What the fuck am I even doing, cutting Danny's personality into pieces.

I got up and followed him not asking about this change. I stopped to thank Adrien but he passed out on the couch after the hit.

I followed him outside and the fresh, night air hit me. I walked behind Danny, watching his back. Now everything that happened back there seemed to be like a blurry dream. I stopped and breathed heavily looking at him going away. I couldn't move. Then I saw his feet turn around in my direction but my vision disappeared, faded to black and all I could feel was the cold, bare ground touching my hands and face.

I winced and took a try to open my eyes. "Fucking hell" I mumbled to myself. I felt a slight touch on my arm, sliding down to my wrist and fingers, up again. I opened my eyes to see two frozen lakes on a tired, worried face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You scared the shit out of me." He said.

I looked around. I was sitting on a couch at home. I sighed and let my head fall back again resting.

"I guess I was too shocked to notice how tired I am." I said.

Danny giggled a little.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked.

"I'm better, mate. Sober, I think." I smiled. "Hungover. But at least sober."

"So I guess I'll be going now. I need a shower." He said, patted my head and got up.

I didn't want him to go. Really. But I couldn't help it.

"Maybe you could stay?" Slipped out of my mouth and I eventually continued. "All of your stuff are still here anyways. And you can shower if you want." He looked back at me and smiled.

"Thanks mate."

So Danny took a shower and got dressed and I made us breakfast and started cleaning up the house from cans, bottles and regular mess I did through this week. Danny came downstairs holding as many as he could.

"Aw Danny!" I cheered at him helping me.

"You fucking bastard, how did you make such a mess! It's insane really." He laughed and put it all into trash to take it outside.

"I called James." He said when he came back. "I told him that you found me at my friends house and talked to me. Thank god I never told them everyone apart from you and them hates my fucking guts." He laughed. I looked at him. So he didn't care about it anymore. He had us and didn't get offended by others hate.

"So what did he say?"

"We have a practice today." He smiled to me.

I thought about mom. I had missed calls from her. I got my phone out and dialed her.


"Hi mom. Something happened to my phone and I had to find a service in town." I lied.

"I was worried, Ben!" She said. "Well anyway I was calling you because we are so incredibly lucky... If you know what I mean. Our car fucked up and we're waiting until it's fixed, we're still at Uncle's. So we're here for few more days... I know it's been almost a week, I'm sorry Benjamin. Is Danny still with you?"

"Yeah, he's here. No worries mom. We're alright. Call me when you're on your way home?"

"I will! Love you!"

"Love you too. Bye." I hung up.

I put my phone back to my pocket and look up to see Danny inches away from me.

"YOU little liar!" He whisper-shouted when he smiled wildly and poked my ribs.

"Fuck off!" I laughed.

We got ready and left for the practice.

We got inside to see guys having a talk... and a stranger.

"Hey guys!" I cheered.

"Oi! Guys! Look what do we have here!"

Stranger got up and greeted us.

"I'm Sam, nice to meet you!" He said. He was very cheerful and he had that nice, positive air around him. Smiles appeared on our faces.

"Turns out that Sam - he's from my school - plays bass and he would like to join!" Cameron said.

We explained Sam our idea about music, then we played our songs. Sam immediately fit in and it took him only a moment to learn our songs so we started writing new ones.

A/N: I'm doing a bitchin job today ladies and gentleman! Third chapter today! I mean I can't rate my own works but just the amount of words I wrote is bitchin'.

Yup. That's what I had to say. hope you enjoyed it. xD

Another update tomorrow! Maybe two. ;p

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