Chapter - 27 -

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It's been a happy, very happy week on tour of a drunken cycle but I don't mind it at all cause we spend a lot of time together as a band.

I think I can get over Danny... I just need some more time of being friends. I can't ruin this friendship by my own stupid brain being so stubborn about him! I just need some time.

I rolled over in my bunk to see who's peeking inside at me.

"Hey beautiful." Slipped out of my mouth.

"Hahah get up, stupid." He murmured and fiddled with my hair and disappeared again.

I rolled over and got my shit out of the pillow case and made myself a line to wake up.

I got up, got to the bathroom and looked at myself in the dirty mirror.

"Had too many drinks?" I heard and looked to the side to see Danny.

"Kinda. I'm just hungover."

"We have a big show tonight." He cheered.

"Cool! This tour is better and better each day."

He came in and closed the door behind him. He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer so that my head could rest on his chest. I smelled his amazing smile.

Everytime he does that I feel like I'm lying to myself about that 'getting over' him.

I just hugged him and enjoyed the moment. It was amazing.

"This is gonna be a-fucking-mazing, not 'cool' mate!"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Are you drunk already??" I laughed as I pulled away and saw a drink in his other hand. I reached out my hand to it to let him know I want some. He passed it to me so I downed the whole glass looking in his eyes with the smallest pupils you could imagine.

"And didn't wait for me!" I 'complained'.

"I don't want to disturb you when you're sleeping!" He said and rubbed his fist on the top of my head as he hugged me again.

"That's bullshit, you want more for yourself!" I chuckled, joking.

He backed away again and stared at me. He had these confusing eyes again. Like he was lost in his world.

"What?" I asked. Bit he didn't answer. He smiled sweetly and pecked my forehead.

"Get ready motherfucker." He said it quietly and he walked out.

I found myself smiling to myself in the middle of the bathroom. I turned to face the mirror again and I was blushing as fuck. What the hell was wrong with that?

I washed my face and teeth, slid on my ripped skinnies, a shirt and my favorite beanie. I headed to the front and got myself an energy drink. I drank the half of it quickly and poured some vodka in it. Then I grabbed my cigarettes and got outside. It was sunny but still pretty cold. I saw Danny coming up to me with two other guys from a support band. We had a really nice talk and I just really wanted to get drunk again. And I guess I did. We played our shoe and then we could go to the bar and get even more drunk.

"Alright guys, I'm going back to the bus." Cameron said and got up.

"I'll go, too." Sam added and James did the same thing.

"You're leaving us already??" Danny asked.

"I'm tired! And I'll call my girl now." James smiled.

"Alright you weak fuckers." He laughed and ordered two more drinks for both of us. They all left the place and we were now alone. There was barely anyone in there. We started a quiet talk about random things. Our arms touched and it all felt really private.

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