Chapter - 12 -

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I kmew my mom was still gone so we could stay home for few more hours but we had no idea what to do.

"Maybe I'll go home cause it's sunday. There's school tomorrow and we meet James, remember?" Danny said.

"Yeah... Maybe I'll walk you home?" I asked.

Danny went pale and looked away.


"Why? I won't go inside!"

"No, Ben. Me and my parents... We don't have a really good relations."

I sighed. "At least to your street?" I took my last chance.

He looked at me and chuckled.


We got up and walked out of home. We had a nice talk just like always. We stopped near to his street and talked for propably half an hour more. Then I warched him go home. It was getting dark. Then I saw a figure getting closer to him. Before I could shout anything that man grabbed Danny's arm and screamed at him.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT" was all I heard. That's when I realized that's his father. I didn't know what do do. Danny didn't seem to care. He also didn't look scared. He just answered calmly and followed that man inside.

I turned around and found my hands shaking. This is terrible. Danny's the most unlucky dude I've ever met.

I got my phone out and typed the message.

Me: hey mate, r u alright?

Dan: yeah why?

Me: that man...

Dan: ...

You saw him.

Me: yeah... I'm sorry for being a nosey cock.

Dan: it's alright, you'd find out anyways. I don't care about it anyways, really. I know I'm gonna run away from here one day, sooner or later and it'll be alright.

Me: after I heard you today I think it might be 'sooner' than 'later'. You're great, believe me.

Dan: thank you, really. I'm gonna try my best. I'll figure some more lyrics to our song tonight.

I shoved my phone to my pocket cause I was already home.

I felt really tired already. When I came in I heard my mom, Bex and dad.

"Hey dad, you're back!" I greeted him and he hugged me.

"Not for long but I am! Good to see you. We have some dinner here."

He said and we all ate together.

After that I went up to my room, listened to some music and went to sleep after 11PM.

I woke up and ran to the bathroom. I got ready, put on some clothes, grabbe my guitar and rushed to school. I didn't even notice when class passed. I met Danny by my locker and we both were pumped the same way. We went to James' house.

"Hey guys!" He said, greeting us. "Are yo ready to go?"

"Go where?" Danny asked.

"Well in case you didn't know, I have a place where we can practice. C'mon." He said. It turns out he had a car and he drove to that place. We got inside and mine and Danny's eyes went huge.

"Holy hit James! It's so big!" I shouted.

"Can I please pretend I know how to play drums?" Danny said quietly. We both laughed and James let him play. He sat down and started to play the worst beat i've ever had but it was amazing to see how happy he was.

"How can I save us?" - BrusnopDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora