Chapter - 42 -

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We stood outside our buses again. After a drunken process of recording our album, then sobering up, putting up everything together, naming all of the songs, setting the tracklist... Our album will be released in a few days. We're ready for our next tour, album promotion tour. And here we are, standing on the parking lot before we go.

I felt hands caressing my back and a chin laying down on my shoulder.

"You know what?" Danny whispered. I could clearly say he was excited.

"What?" I giggled.

"I can't stand nights without you..." He whispered straightly into my ear. A chill ran down my spine and I let out a quiet sigh. I really wanted him, right where we stood. "It's been a month and it's driving me crazy." He continued. It was. Having James on our minds, we only cuddled and kissed on tour and studio took all our strength. And I understood Danny perfectly.

"Me too..." I whispered back.

"I'm not gonna hold back anymore." He said and slid his left hand down on my bum and squeezed it.

"But James..."

"He can fuck off for fucking half an hour. Or listen to some music. Or anything. We could fuck girls next to each other and can't anymore? I don't give a shit."

He was really serious with that. I chuckled at him and tilted my head to kiss him on the forehead.

"Let's get inside." I laughed and he held my hand on our way.

We sat down and the bus started moving.

"Danny?" I asked, while he stood in our 'kitchen'.

"Yeah, Benji?"

"I was just wondering... We have our album done..." I trailed off and waited for his reaction. He put down his sandwich and sat down next to me with a serious face. I thought he forgot, but he didn't.

"Do you really wanna do this?" He asked me.

"I do. That's what we decided. And if not now, when? Our real fans will stay. The rest of them can fuck off, right?" I smiled.

"Yeah." He did too and kissed me, it was so tender and delicate every time he did it. "Tonight?"

"I think we shouldn't just walk out and say it... No one would believe us, Dan." I giggled.

"True. So we're just us from now on? Not hiding." He raised an eyebrow. Gosh, I love him so much!

"Yes, babe." I wrapped my arms around him and sighed into his neck with happiness. I really was happy. Danny ran his fingers up and down my shoulder, gently brushing my skin. I'm happy over boarders anyone could imagine. I loved this boy since I remember, I know everything about him and now I know he loves me too, in the same way.

"... So i can upload this??" I heard and looked behind us to see James smirking evily, holding his phone.

"Do whatever the fuck you want." I smiled.

"No, Ben..." Danny said, looking at James with a suspicious face. "What do you have there, cunt?"

He turned the screen to us and within a second I was almost lying on the floor laughing and tears running down my cheeks. It was a close up picture of Danny's hand squeezing my butt and smirking like he's won an award.

"T-THIS is Danny!!!" I shouted. "This is exactly you!"

"Fuck off." He giggled and tried to lock my head under his pit but I was faster.

"James you're the master of catching the moment." I laughed and he chuckled too. James started making himself a snack and I laid my head down on Danny's lap.

"Just don't get a boner right now, I would like to keep my eye." I said smiling, with my eyes closed. Danny just laughed and with that sweet sound I fell asleep to wake up right before our show.

"Benji, showtime, baby." He said quietly to my ear.

"I've been sleeping on you all this time!" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes while sitting up.

"Yeah but I was comfortable." He said and got up to get dressed. So did I, we both got ready and decided to meet some fans. We stepped out of our bus and wanted to get coffe first. Danny slid his hand around my back, holding my other hip. I snuggled into him and did the same thing. With huge smile we got our coffees and walked back. We quickly met fans and they didn't seem to be suprised with us hugging, really. But there was no rush, we didn't need any show off's. I signed another poster and talked about our album coming out tomorrow.

"It's really good. It's more grown up, it's about rock n' roll. You'll see. I think we did a good job, especially this guy." I looked back at Danny and before I realized, he had his lips pressed to mine so tightly I wasn't even able to smile even though my cheeks wanted to. Me speaking about 'no show off'... Yeah.

I heard 'awww's and 'eeeeew's but I didn't care. He finally pulled away and gave me a bilion $ worth smile.

"You're such a show off." I teased. He just laughed and never stopped smiling. It was hard for me to focus on our fans now. But they were asking only about what just happened.

"Well..." I said and half of them went quiet to listen. "I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He's my everything." I said, probably blushing like a motherfucker, looking at my feet. There were dozens, hundreds of question about it but I smiled at them all.

"We have to go now." Danny chuckled and held my hand on our way to the venue where we got ready for the show.

We were all ready.

I looked at Danny and he looked nervous.

"It's our first sober show in a long time." He said. I kissed him in a rush and shouted 'I love you' in his direction. He probably didn't hear it through screams and chanting but he understood and mouthed me an answer.

Lights out.

Screams up.

And then for a short second it went silent, and that's when we ran onstage.

I looked at them all, cheering, musical intro playing in the background and I smiled.

Surrounded by colorful lights I looked to my side.

And the love of my life looked at me at the same time. We both smiled.

I had one thought in my head.

My life is perfect.

A/N: thank you guys so much. <3

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