Chapter - 14 -

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The woman gave me instructions and I ran all the way to the hospital. I got lost few times and had to ask for directions. I panicked, couldn't make any sentences that had sense. I finally got there, stormed in with sweaty forehead, shaking hands and legs. I ran up to someone and asked for Danny.

"Well hello. Hold on" one woman said and handed me some papers. "Please fill these in."

"What?! Let me see Danny! What's going on with him!"

"You can't see him right now. Please fill these in and I'll send doctor your way, okay? We need this papers. It's very important."

I sighed, still nervous and shaking. I filled the blanks I knew the information they wander. Full name, age, date of birth. I didn't know his parents names or anything like that but the nurse said 'thank you' and left me all alone.

I saw a doctor and ran up to him.

"Please tell me something!" I pleaded.

"Huh? Who are you looking for?" He said with a gentle voice.

"Daniel Worsnop. They called for me from here and i still don't know anything."

"Oh, Mr. Daniel. We try to stabilize him. When an ambulance arrived he we asked for anyone to call and he gave us your number, apparently. Then he passed out, he had a collapse and now he is in drug-induced coma so that we could control everything.

"In a coma....?" I asked, terrified.

"Yeah we'll wake him ul when he's better. Do you know who could do this? We can call the police."

"I suspect someone but I don't want to accuse anyone." I said "can I see him?"

"No, I'm sorry, you can't."

"Please. Please, please, I'll just sit and be quiet, please, I love him!"

Wait. What? What the hell did I just say? I looked down shocked at my own words but then heard the doctor sigh. I looked up and he leaned in to whisper

"Come with me." He said and walked away, I followed.

He handed me a white piece of material and told me to wear it. I did and he led me through the corridors.

"If anyone asks you're a medicine student and dr. Weller told you to keep an eye on this patient. Alright? Cause we both could have problems because of that."

"Yes, of course. And thank you. Thank you so much." I said.

Then we stopped.

"Please be absolutely quiet."

"I promise." I nodded.

He opened the door for me and I peeked in. I think my hard just skipped a beat and screamed in painful agony.

He was alone in the room. I heard doctor closing the door behind me. I couldn't move. All these things around him and wrapping him were heart breaking. I finally came closer and sat down next to the bed. I gently touched his hand. It was cold and it didn't feel like it belonged to him.

I don't know for how many hours I just sat there and looked at him, listening to the 'beeps' of his heartbeat showing at one of the screens.

I didn't cry. I felt numb, I felt scared. I had this monster inside my head telling me he'd never wake up again. He had a bruised face and his eyes sealed. I wanted him to get up and be alright so badly.

It's my fault. If I wasn't so nosey I would have never find out and he'd sleep in there with me. But if I didn't know... He might be just dead one day. And I need to help him. I need him. We have a band! We want to make our dreams come true...

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