Chapter - 10 -

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The next few days were literally silent.

No one ever pick on Danny or me, no one stared at us, everyone ignored our existance. Like Michael made the whole school do it. I wouldn't mind at all.

I was delighted with how calm it was.

I sneaked my earphone under my sleeve and listened to music through the class, meeting Danny during breaks for a smoke. He smiled much more now since the day they left us alone. It was so amazing I almost floated in the air from pride. I was never a strong guy, neither was Danny but we're not cunts and know how to fight. For the first day I worried about the text I sent to Michael. The threatening one. Cause he could use it while after we got to their skin. But he didn't and I'm calm like never before since me and my family moved in here.

I'm lying on my bed in the morning thinking about how much of a lazy bum I am and don't want to get up. My mom entered my room and asked for things to wash.

"Thanks honey. Hey how's your friend Danny? He's not around here for a while now." she asked "Are you guys alright? Don't wanna be nosey though." She smiled.

"No, we're alright. We've been quite busy with school, coming back home right after class."

"You can invite him anytime, Ben." She said while grabbing some stuff as I got out of bed and got myself clothes for today.

"Really?" I cheered. I wanted Danny around all the time but I didn't want to piss my mother off, she's been touchy these days but I guess she's alright now.

"Yeah it would be nice. You can invite him today. We're not home for most of the time during the week anyways and you just sit on your bum and play stupid video games."

I winced, but didn't answer to the last part.

I took a shower, got dressed and sat down to my breakfast. Then someone knocked on the front door.

"I'll get it." My sister said and opened the door. It went silent.

"How can I help you?" she said with a bored voice after few seconds.

"Don't be a mean bitch! Who's that?" I asked and ran up to the hallway.

I saw confused Danny stepping back. His eyes went bigger when he saw me and sighed with relief.

"GOD I thought I went to a wrong house! Didn't know you have a sister." He said as she let him inside and I still giggled.

"It's Bekah." I said "Wanna eat something?"

"Not really but I'd kill for coffee honestly..." He said and he sat down when we got to the kitchen.

"Me too. Why are you up so early? I just got up."

"I don't know, couldn't sleep pretty much. so I got ready and thought I could pick you up here before school." he said.

"Thanks!" I passed him the coffee.

"Oh, hi Danny!" my mom cheered. "We just talked with Ben that you should be here more often!"

"Thank you Mrs. Bruce. It's really nice to be here."

"Hahah alright boys I'm out to work, Ben you or Bex locks the door after you leave."

"Alright, bye." I said and waited for her to close the door. "Mr. Worsnop it is really nice of you to be here." I said imitating his polite voice.

"Shut up!" he laughed, choking on his coffee.

I heard Beth leave after few minutes.

"SO." I smiled to Danny. "We're alone."

"How can I save us?" - BrusnopWhere stories live. Discover now