Chapter - 2 -

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"Honey come on, get up." I hear. "Ugh..." I sigh in a weird voice and try to open my eyes but it's way too hard.

I see my mom picking up stuff from the floor. That wakes me up.

"Mom, leave it!" I say sitting up.

"I'm taking clothes to wash" she looked at me an kept taking my stuff.

"I'll just bring them to the bathroom or whatever."

She sighed. "Alright Mr. Grumpy. Benny did you sleep in your clothes?"

"Um yeah kinda I woke up early so I got ready for school and watched TV but I guess I drifted off again." I mumbled.

"Well get up then cause you've gotta go in 15 minutes." She smiled.

I sighed again and confirmed her words by looking at my phone. I got up finally and went out to the world... I hated that school already, all these dumbasses around me and I really didn't want to go there again. I walked down the street, sleepy and looking down at my vans. I took off my hoodie as it started to get more warm. I got to school, left some things in the locker and felt confused again. That's all about my knowledge about this building. I stood there looking around with frustration.

"Hey New Guy, you got lost?"

"Huh?" I turned around to see some metalheads facing me.

"I'm Michael. This is Shawn and Craig. You're new here."

"I am, I guess. Ben, nice to meet you." I smiled and shaked their hands.

"Nice" Craig said pointing at my The Rolling Stones t-shirt.

"Thanks." It felt weird, really. "I'll just get to the classroom somehow and I'll be alright." I continued shutting my locker and turning around.

"Do you want us to show you where is it?" Michael asked.

I looked back and slowly noded "yeah would be nice."

So they led me there slowly. I was actually really grateful. I looked around and tried to memorise as many corridors as I could. Then I saw something, so did guys. We all stopped and stared at one point. At the end of the corridor we saw on our side... there were lots of kids syrrounding something.


Wow. I guess someone tried to fight back but I don't think it went alright. But all of these kids chanted to the winning one apparently. Well I wasn't about to get in trouble so whatever.

"Jesus, again? This kid can't fight for himself." I heard Craig.

"Not really. But it's because it's three against one. I'll get to his ass after school tho haha" Michael laughed.

"You bully someone?" I asked directly not liking the way he spoke.

"Not really, the guy is just a stupid dumbass that tried to get to my girlfriends ass so he deserves it. And I hate him, freakin faggot."

"Yeah whatever. You're mean dude" I said but not agressivly, just saying.

"Maybe" he said and we walked further as I tried to ignore what Michael jus said. We got to my classroom, I said "thank you" and they walked away. Few lessons passed and I was bored as hell. It was getting warm and it was a long break finally so they let us go outside. Everyone went out but for some reason I didn't want to go. It'd be stupid to stand there alone looking lost and alone. I backed some lockers and closed my eyes.

"Why don't you go outside?" I heard.

I open my eyes and see Danny. I completely forgot about him! How nice to see a familiar face, even if I saw him only once.

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