Chapter - 8 -

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A/N; I was soooo busy today. So tonight there will be only one chapter and I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. I really had no time. I won't also update tomorrow but I'll post at least two on saturday! Once again sorry loves and now let's get to the next chapter! 😘

That hot water felt numb on my skin. I couln't tell what was its temperature anymore. I tried to calm my breath and stop that awful feeling inside.

I went out of the shower an got dressed quickly. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I must be fucking mentally sick to kiss my best friend! I mean it happens, but not like that. No, god damn no. I rubbed my face and still wasn't sure how to act. Does he remember? He looked normal so... I hope so. I hope i can forget it too, it's fucking weird! I got back to my room feeling uncomfortable.

I saw Danny sitting on the ground and playing my guitar. That brought my smile back up. The hell, we were drunk, I should't panic so much over it. At least I can always turn it into a joke - two friends pretending the "bromance" and went too far when shitfaced. That would be even a funny story. The only thing out of all this that worried me so much was that I really wanted it, and panicked when he didn't kiss back at first. That's what I remember pretty clearly. With each minute it was more and more blurry. I thought about the whole day we spent together. It was real fun to be honest and I was 'in love' with that spot by the river. And that lyric-notebook that belonged to Dan. I can't remember much of it, there were so many!

I sat down on my bed, behind Danny and watched his back moving back and forward with his breathing.

'How stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away.' I reminded myself.

That's interesting. What scars? Mental ones that any pain leaves us? That's possible, that's a good piece of lyric, even if it's just one line.

I noticed Danny turned around and looked at me, smiling.

"What's that face?" He asked "Did someone die?"

"Yeah, Mr. Brain Worsnop. It used to live in your head but... You were too stupid and killed it!" I laughed.

"You bitch!" He laughed too, putting my guitar away.

"What are you up to?"

"I don't really know. My mom's gonna be home in an hour or two, we have to be out when she's back, that's for sure." I said, thinking intensively.

"Well, we could go to the music store in the center. That's a nice way to kill some time."

I thought about it and it actually was an awesome idea! Like he said, we went to the store. I think it's not very human to stand between vinyls and cd-s for three hours, really. But there were so many good cds in there!

Eventually we got bored and walked around the park near my house.

"Hey Dan... Would you like to be in a band?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Like?" He giggled "That's the biggest dream I have."

I smiled widely.

"Maybe we could find someone and try something?"

"Yeah but... you know? Everyone hates me, Benj." he winced.

"Someone out of this dumb school! There may be some people who don't like you but man, but there are so many people out there in the town. We can do this."

"So how could we find these people?" He asked, interested.

"Maybe we could go to a party or something." I shrugged.

"Let's at least try." Danny said. I thought he would try to avoid meeting new people but he was actually open. Or he really wanted to get drunk as fast as it was possible when he heard about the party.

I was already stoked for the band thing. We need a drummer, vocalist and bassist. That's more than a half of the people. But we can make it, I believe!

We got to my home when my mom was already in there. Danny took some of his things and wanted to go back home. "Thank you so much for letting me stay, Mrs. Bruce." He said, smiling politely.

"I'm glad you were here, Danny, was it?"

He nodded.

"Visit us anytime, see you soon!" She shouted just before I shut the door behind him.

I laid down on my bed and pulled out my phone. I opened that text from Michael and decided to text back.

Me: Michael just leave us alone.

After not even a minute my phone went off again.

Unknown: or what? That pussy will beat me up? Haha.

Me: you're gonna regret what you've done to Danny, you piece of shit.

Unknown: why are you so goddamn protective? -.-

Me: cause we're friends. Now fuck off. And remember - don't get around Danny. Or i'll make you really regret what you've done so far and keep on doing. Now fuck off.

"What's that?" My mom asked about my irritated face.

"Nothing much, just a dumbass from school".

The next morning came and greeted my eyes with that killing sunlight. I got ready for school in hurry. I wanted to meet Danny already. He said he'll be waiting around the corner of his street.

"Hello" I smiled when I saw him.

"Hi, why are you smiling like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like a perv" he said making me and himself laugh.

"I'm just in a good mood I think. Hangover's passed!"

"Mine too." He agreed. "Still don't want to go to school tho.

"Yeah me too. But two days are enough for now, don't you think?"

"Yea... C'mon."

We walked side by side not talking much, but it was a nice silence. Finally we got there and had to split up. At least we could meet during our breaks.

That day would be really nice. But there was something I had to do today.

I'm gonna warn Michael personally. If he ever gets around me and Danny, I'll peel his face off on the ground and kick his fucking guts out.

"How can I save us?" - BrusnopOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora