Chapter 4: Unexpected

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Shawn's P.O.V:

Nash walked away and I looked at the closed hotel room door. I couldn't get the smile off of my face. I knocked, having left my key card inside. Cam opens the door, dressed again. I continue into the room and sit on my bed. Should I ask him if he's gay? Would it make him mad? I've decided. I'm gonna ask him. "Hay Cam can I ask you something?"

"Yah man, what's up?"

"So.." I hesitated for a moment.

"Hold on just a second." he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Hey what's up babe?" I cringed at the word babe. I wish I could here him say it to me. Who was he talking to? "Yah, I'll see you tomorrow. I promise." He stops to listen. "Ok, bye." he says smiling and pulling his phone away from his ear.

"Who was that?" I question.

"I met this girl the other night. Her name is Natalie, and she's so hot. We're gonna go on a date tomorrow." He was smiling happily. I guess this just answered my question. "So what were you gonna ask me a minute ago?"

"I don't even remember." I lie, covering myself up with blankets. "Goodnight Cam."

"Night dude." He pulls the lamp string and darkness takes over the room. I feel a tear escape from my eye. I can't believe he isn't gay. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I grab a pillow holding it to my chest, wishing more than anything it could be Cam. I need to have a serious talk with Nash tomorrow.


Beep. Beep. Beep. I grab my phone, turning the alarm off. I look over and see Cam still sleeping. I was so confused from last night. A couple nights ago he had a wet dream about me, and now he has a girlfriend. Why was life so confusing? I get off the bed and hop in the shower. I soon dry off, and put on a tight grey shirt, with black jeans. I fix my hair and walk out of the bathroom. Cam is still asleep. I figure he can get up when he wants to. I walk into the hallway, making sure to take a key with me. I walk down to the continental breakfast. My favorite meal of the day. I see Nash sitting at a table all alone. He notices me and smiles. He raises his eyebrows and says, "So how was last night?" I slam my plate down, causing his happy face to fade. "Dude, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, really? So your whole theory about Cam being gay totally blows! He has a girlfriend!" Nash looks at his drink on the table, disappointment on his face.

"Well he told me he was bi, I just figured that he might like you."

"Well thanks man, cause I had to cry myself to sleep last night because you made me get my hopes up. I honestly thought he'd like me back." I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"Dude, I'm sorry. You can't be mad at him for having a girlfriend." I look up at him. He's right, I can't be mad that he's happy. I should be happy for him.

"I'm sorry Nash." I stand up and so does he. He pulls me into a hug.

"Dude, it'll be fine. The right guy's out there for you somewhere. Trust me." He's right about that too. I can't be heart broken because Cam doesn't like me back.

"You're right man." I let go of the hug. "I'm gonna go run some errands.

"Have fun man."


I open my rental car's door and start the car. I drive away from the hotel. I soon pull into a Starbucks parking lot. I look down at my phone as I'm walking in. Not paying any attention I collide with a stranger; their drink going all over me.

"I am so sorry." he says smiling. I look up and notice his bright green eyes.

"It was my fault, I should've been paying more attention."

"Let me help you get cleaned up."

"Thanks." He was actually an employee just getting off work. I follow him to the back. He pulls out this small kit.

"This'll help make sure it doesn't stain." He starts rubbing the wet spot on my shirt.

"Let me take it off, it'll be easier to clean." I pull my shirt off handing it to him. He stops and looks at my abs. He doesn't say a word, just paralyzed in his spot staring. "Are you ok?" I say as a small giggle escapes my mouth. He was definitely checking me out.

"Yah I'm sorry, I just have never seen such good looking abs."

"Thank you." Another small giggle leaving my mouth.

"My names Josh by the way, Josh Evans" he says sticking out his right hand.

"Shawn Mendes."

"I think I've heard of you before."

"Well I am a singer, and a part of MAGCON."

"So you're like famous?"

"I guess." I start laughing. Josh was nicely built, his muscles pushing against his uniform. His head was covered by beautiful brown hair. His cheek bones were defined, and I was totally picking up a gay vibe.

"Well maybe we could go get coffee or dinner sometime." He says smiling, looking me in the eyes.

"I'd like that." I say, smiling and blushing.

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