Chapter 50: Reunited

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Shawn's P.O.V:
The doctors just pulled the ventilator out of my throat. It feels weird to breath on my own. Cameron walks back into the room. He won't stop staring at me. "Do you need anything babe?" he says, still not taking his eyes off of me. I grab my throat and manage out:

"Water." My throat felt so try. He ran out of the room and was back in a minute. He took the lid off the bottle and handed it to me.

"Do you need help drinking it?" he asked. I shook my head no and started drinking the water. It felt so good going down my throat.

"Ok Shawn. Nice to meet you. I'm Tina. I'm the nurse that's been taking care of you during the day." A nurse had just walked into the room. She was kind of young, maybe in her late twenties. "The doctor has decided to keep you here overnight to see how you do then tomorrow he's gonna decide if you can go home." She turned around and started typing on her computer. Cameron pulled a chair over and sat down right next to my bed. He held my hand in both of his.

"Are you ok Cameron?" I asked him. He looked at me like I had died.

"I'm absolutely perfect now." he said, bringing my hand up to his face. He rubbed his nose on it smiling. "I just can't believe you're awake. I knew you'd wake up. I just knew it."

"What'd you mean?"

"Oh gosh. I forgot." he said standing up. "Do you even remember why you're in here?"

"Not really. But you all keep looking at me like I almost died." None of them say a word. "Did I almost die?"

"Look what's the last thing you remember after we left Nash's house that night we announced to everyone our engagement?"

"I remember plugging in my phone and starting a song and almost falling asleep." I stop to think. "That's all I remember. What happened?"

"Well a drunk semi driver wrecked into our car."

"Oh my God." I said, covering my mouth. "Babe are you ok?" I asked him.

"I'm fine now." I noticed he was wearing a hat.

"Why are you wearing a hat?" I question. It looked different on his head but kind of cute. It was a red ball cap.

"I knew you'd notice." he says smiling. He leans down. "Promise you won't think I'm ugly?" He looked sad.

"Cameron I would never think you look ugly." He slowly pulled off his hat and titled his head to the right. There was a large bald spot on his head and a scar ran down the middle of it. "What happend to you!" I screamed. I was worried for Cameron. I moved over so he could lay down with me.

"I busted my head open in the accident and had minor brain swelling. They had to cut my head open." He felt his bald spot. I pulled him into the bed, laying next to me. "I had two surgeries but I'm fine now. Its you who we're all worried about."

"Why are you worried about me?" I asked. Cameron started smiling. He was clearly trying to cover up his pain.

"You went into a coma Shawn and were put on life support. The doctors said the chances of you waking up were very slim." He swallows the lump in his throat. "Your parents said to give you 14 days after the accident and if you didn't wake up to pull the plug. I woke up 8 days afterwards and I called your parents and flipped out. I exploded on your mother and she allowed the doctors one more day for you." He was crying now. "They would have unplugged you yesterday and you would've died." He said crying more. He saved my life, again. He pulled me tightly to him. "I told everyone you were going to wake up. No one believed you would except me. They were going to unplug you in 5 or 6 hours. For a while I thought I might lose you today Shawn." He was crying badly now. He was holding me tightly in his arms. I loved how it felt to be in his arms. I hated all the tears though. "I've never been more scared in my life Shawn."

"Cameron I love you so much." Is all I could say. I felt tears rolling down my own face.

"I love you too Shawny." He rested his head beside mine. His lips pressed a small kiss on the side of my head. "Never scare me like this again." he said, laughing through his tears. I stroke his head with my left hand. My finger runs lightly over the scar on his head.

"Does it hurt for me to touch it?" I asked.

"Not really." He said.

"We'll give you guys some alone time." Gina says standing up.

"You don't have to Gina." I say. She insists. Gina, Nash, and Sierra all leave the room to give us a moment alone.

"Were my parents seriously going to unplug me?" I asked him.

"They are definitely not invited to our wedding." Cameron said being fake mad. I can't believe my own parents were going to let me die.

"Are you ok Cameron. I couldn't imagine going through what you've been through. I'd be so freaking emotional right now. I would be depressed and heartbroken and..." Cameron kissed me on the lips. It felt so good when our lips touched. My body has missed his. "That's a nice way of telling me to be quiet." I say laughing.

"I don't want you to be quiet Shawn. I wanna here you talk for hours. I miss your sexy voice." he says smiling. I blush.

"Well if kind of hurts to talk right now."

"Then we don't have to talk right now."

"No I want to." I say.

"Fine. Shawn I want to get married as soon as possible. These past few days I've realized life is to short to wait for things. I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you. I wanna grow old with you." Cameron says, snuggling me into his shoulder.

"Aww." I reach down and feel his abs. I move my hand down to his v-line and the top of his pants.

"Shawn I'm sorry...." he says.

"What?" I say worriedly.

"I already talked to my doctor. I can't have sex for another 4-6 weeks." I make a pouty face.

"That's ok. It'll give us more time to just cuddle." I smile at him.

"You know when I thought I was about to lose you, the thing I wanted more than anything else to see was that beautiful smile of yours. I love your cute little dimples." I feel my face blushing and I'm smiling again.

"See. There they are." he says, poking two spots on my face. I grab a hold of Cameron's hand.

"I love you Cameron."

"I love you too Shawn."

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