Chapter 17: The "Date"

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Shawn's P.O.V:

"I can't believe he actually broke up with me. And he couldn't even do it in person." I was crying into Josh's shoulder. He hugged me tightly. It felt nice to have someone care for me in a time like this.

"Trust me Shawn, it's his loss. Not yours."

"Thank you Josh." I pull away and dry my eyes.

"Wanna go do something else?"

"There's that new movie out. Wanna go watch it?"

"Sure." We leave the park and head to the theatre.

Cameron's P.O.V:

"See yah later Nash." He had dropped me off back at my apartment. I walked in and sat down. I had to show Shawn I was sorry for not trusting him. If he said nothing had happened then I believe him. Maybe I should call him again. See if he wants to do something tonight. I call him. It rings twice then ends. Does that mean he declined it? It's fine. I'm kinda tired I think I'm gonna go take a nap. I walk into my bedroom and lay on my bed. I scroll through my social media accounts. After about an hour I drift off to sleep.

Shawn's P.O.V:

"I'm serious look!" I show Josh my phone. Cameron was seriously calling me.

"Answer it Shawn!"

"No. I'm not talking to the guy who broke up with me. Over a phone call."

"Ok. I just think by the way you talk about him that he sounds pretty important." I declined the call.

"I don't wanna talk about him Josh. I'll just end up being hurt or sad like always."

"Fine. Besides the movie is about to start."


We get into Josh's car. "I liked it." he said.

"It was ok. Not my favorite though."

"I don't know about you Shawn, but I am starving."

"Let's get food then. I'm pretty hungry too."

"Wanna eat in or take out?"

"It's kinda hard eating out in a big city. To many fans crowd me."

"I totally forgot." he says laughing. "I've never had a crush on a celebrity before."

"Seriously and I'm not a celebrity."

"Shawn yes you are."

"Whatever." I sat laughing and looking out the window. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel good. He makes me happy. But it feels different when Cameron does. He makes me feel a different type of happy. The type you can only feel when you're in love I guess. I don't know. All I know is he doesn't want me, and Josh does. And besides Josh is pretty attractive. And nice. And funny.

"Thanks for dinner and the movie Josh." He wouldn't let me pay for anything.

"Anytime Shawn. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you tonight."

"Where you staying at?"

"There's a hotel down the road from here."

"That's nonsense. Stay here." He just shook his head. "Come on. You drove all this way. I'd feel horrible to make you stay in a hotel. And besides my apartment is free." I'm smiling. He's smiling now too.

"Fine. I guess I'll stay, but just tonight."

"Good." I grab the one bag he needed carried in, and lead him to my apartment.

"I'll just sleep on he couch." he says laying on the couch. What should I say? Should I offer him to sleep with me? Should I offer him my bed?

"I'll sleep on the couch. You sleep on my bed."

"Shut up Shawn. You're too nice. Besides this couch is pretty comfortable."

"Whatever Josh." I say laughing. I walk to my bedroom. "If you need anything just come wake me up."

"Will do."

"Night Josh."

"Goodnight Shawn."

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