Chapter 28: Surprise Birthday

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5 months later

Shawn's P.O.V:

I unlocked the door and walked in. "Cameron, I'm home!" I yell. I loved our new apartment. We'd been here about 5 months. It wasn't in the middle of the city but it also wasn't like out in the country. I hope he's not asleep. I was hoping to have some fun tonight. I close the door behind me. Why is it so dark in here? The lights flash on.

"Happy Birthday Shawn!" everyone yells. All of my friends were here. All the members of MAGCON, Cameron's family, and other random people.

"Aww, who did this." I asked defeated. I hated celebrating my birthday.

"I did." says Cameron walking into the open living room and kitchen. We walk towards each other and hug. "Happy Birthday Shawny."

"I was kinda hoping we could be alone tonight." I say, sliding my hands down his sides.

"Don't worry." He winks at me. I give him a small peck on the lips and I start to celebrate. I'm so happy he organized this for me. After a few hours people start to leave. It was honestly getting kind of late. Nash walked over to us.

"Hey guys I was wondering if I could maybe crash here tonight." I look at Cameron. I really wanted to say no. "I'm just a little drunk and don't wanna drive home. I will if I have to though." I look at Cam again.

"Sure Nash." he says, answering for us.

"Thank you so much. And by the way I sleep with headphones in and music playing. So you guys can be as loud as you want." He walks away laughing. I look at Cam and roll my eyes.

"It'll be fine Shawn. We can still have fun, as planned."

"I know. I'm not mad." I say. I honestly wasn't. I was going to have sex with Cam tonight regardless of who stayed in our apartment. Eventually everyone finally left. Nash was sitting on the couch. I go to our bedroom and to the closet. We have extra sheets and pillows. I pull some out and take them to Nash. "Here. Now go to sleep. And seriously don't bother us." I grab Cam by the top of his shirt, dragging him to the bedroom. I close the door behind us and lock it. I let go of him and lay on the bed. Cam crawled on top of me, both of us smiling.

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