Chapter 34: First Night

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Shawn's P.O.V:
The sun was beginning to set. We had arrived at our spot a couple hours ago. We had two pretty big tents. Two of us were to sleep in one and the other two shared the other one. Nash called rooming with Taylor so me and Aaron were going to bunk together. We were all sitting around a fire we had made. "It's been a good night guys. Can't wait for tomorrow. I'm waking your asses up early." said Taylor.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" asked Aaron.

"I plan for hiking, fishing, and I know a place we can go zip-lining."

"That sounds awesome Taylor!" I say.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty tired. Night." said Aaron. He got up and walked to our tent.

"Me too." said Taylor, and he walked to his.

"And then there were two." said Nash laughing. He earned a small chuckle from me too. "You having any withdraws from Cameron yet?" He was laughing again.

"Shut up Nash."

"Ok, seriously though."

"I can go a few days without seeing him."

"Yah but like what if something bad happened to him?"

"I just feel like our love for each other is strong enough that I would able to sense if something was wrong. It's weird. I can't really explain it. Like when I fell asleep and almost drowned in the bathtub, he felt that something was wrong. He kicked the door down and saved my life. When I was almost kidnapped and killed Cameron knew something was wrong and saved me. I just feel like we're connected in a way I've never been connected to someone before." Nash was looking up at the stars now.

"That was legit beautiful." he said. "I had no idea you loved him that much."

"Nash I would marry Cameron. If he would ask me." Nash started laughing.

"He had to ask you? Why couldn't you ask him?"

"I don't know. I just always imagined him proposing to me." I stopped to think for a second. What if Nash was right. Why couldn't I some day propose to Cameron.

"So like if he were to ask you right now to marry him, you'd say yes?"

"100% yes." Nash looked at me with wide eyes.

"You guys have only been together for like almost 6 months right?"

"Yah, so."

"So.... how do you know he's the one."

"I don't know Nash. All I know is that when I'm with him I feel more like myself. Like waking up next to him in the morning is the favorite part of my day. Or after a long day in the recording studio I just want to come home and tell him about my day. I wanna lay in his arms, because he makes me feel safe. I feel at home in his arms. I feel like the world has stopped and no matter what odds we faced, no matter what cards were played against us, that in the end he'd protect me and make me happy. When I see him smile, I feel a part of my soul smile. When he laughs I can't help but laugh. I truly think sometimes that God made us like two strange puzzle pieces. We don't really fit anywhere except for with each other. We're not apart of everyone else's puzzle, we have our own, two pieces puzzle where we fit perfectly together, making up for one another's flaws, and heightening one another's amazing qualities." Nash was smiling. I saw his phone on his hand. "Where you recording me?"

"Maybe." he said laughing.

"Why were you recording me?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know. Just in case you guys ever need a reminder of what you have it'll be right here."

"That's actually kinda sweet Nash. Thank you." I stand up, walk over, and give him a hug.

"Your welcome man. You two are like my bestest friends. And I definitely agree, you guys are totally soulmates."

"I'm glad you see it my way. Well I'm gonna head off to bed."

"Yah I probably should too." He stands up.

"Don't we need to put this fire out?"


"How do we?"

"Like this." he says laughing. He pulls down his shorts and starts pissing on the fire.

"Damnit Nash."

"Don't act like you don't like what you see." he said laughing more.

"I don't. I only like Cameron's."

"Well I'm all done. You finish putting it out yourself." He walked to his tent. I looked around to make sure no one was watching. I pulled my pants down in the front and started pissing on the fire. After a few seconds I hear footsteps.

"What are you doing Shawn?" I turn around to see a tired looking Aaron. "Woah man." He turns his head. I look down. My cock was still out.

"Sorry, I was just trying to put the fire out."

"Oh, let me help." He walked up and pulled down the front of his pants. His cock flipped out and started pissing on the fire. It was about 6 inches long. It felt weird standing next to him peeing like this. There was a part of me that said it didn't mind though. I finish my business and pull my pants up. Aaron does the same. The fire is successfully extinguished, so we walk to our tent.

"So where am I sleeping?" I ask.

"Well this sleeping bad is mine and that sides all yours." I lay down in my spot. "By the way Shawn, I sleep in only my underwear."

"Oh, well that's ok. Me too." I guess I didn't mind. I slid down my pants and threw them aside. I crawled into my sleeping bag, also wrapping myself up in the blanket I brought with me.

"Goodnight Shawn." whispers Aaron.

"Goodnight Aaron." I instantly start thinking about Cameron. I do miss drifting off to sleep in his arms every night. He truly did make me feel safe and protected. After a few minutes of thinking about him, I drift off into sleep.

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