Chapter 10: Coming Out, Sort Of

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Cameron's P.O.V:

I open my eyes. Shawn is cuddled up next to me. He is literally the most adorable person I've ever seen. I smile as his nose twitches while he sleeps. I wander what he's dreaming about. I just lay there looking at him. How lucky am I? I get to have the most wonderful person I've ever known in my life right here in my arms. We're laying without any blankets on. We're both just in our underwear. He's laying to my right, his head resting between my neck and shoulder. I carefully grab my phone.


Our plane leaves at 10:45. I shake Shawn. "Hey, cutie wake up." His hands come up to rub his eyes, looking like a child. He smiles when he sees my face, laying it back down on me. "Shawn it's 7:40. We have to get to the airport soon."

"Ugggh." he growls out. "Fine." He sadly gets up to get ready. He hops in the shower, while I start getting dressed. He comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Cameron I still have to return that car I rented for the week."

"Well lets go." We return the car and ride a taxi back to the hotel.

"Cam I have a question." he says, sounding serious.

"What is it Shawn."

"When are we going to tell everyone?" Shit. I haven't even thought about coming out to everyone. What if they didn't accept us. We're sitting in the lobby. I let go of his hand. "Cameron?" he questions.

"Look, we can't be affectionate in front of them. They don't know yet."

"So let's tell them." he says sitting on my lap and going to kiss me. I turn my head and his lips hit my cheek. "Ouch." he says standing up. "What's wrong Cameron?" I see the hurt in his eyes.

"We can't be all lovey-dovey when the guys are around." He stairs at my eyes for a minute.

"Are you embarrassed of us?" his tone getting angrier. I don't respond. It's not that I'm embarrassed I'm just not ready for the guys response's. "Wow Cam. I thought what we had was special." He walks past me, and I stand up.

"Shawn come back."

"Can I just have a minute to think Cameron? Besides the guys shouldn't see us talking. They might get on to us." He mashed the elevator button. I put my hand on his shoulder to turn him around. He moves it off saying "don't touch me." The elevator opens and he steps in."Don't follow me either." I stood there as the doors closed and he went back to the room. Why are you so dumb Cameron? You really hurt him this time. Damnit. All of the guys come down to the lobby eventually. First the two Jacks. Then Sammy. Then Aaron and Hayes. Finally Nash and Taylor come down.

"What time is the limo picking us up?" yelled Taylor, stepping out of the elevator.

"About 5 minutes." I respond. Nash makes his way over to me and we move away from the guys.

"So how'd everything go?" he was smiling and winked.

"It was going great until I just fucked it up."

Nash looked at me sternly saying "what'd you do Cam? And where's Shawn, he hasn't come down yet." I explain to Nash all I said and how Shawn reacted.

"Why are you scared of coming out Cam?!"

"You wouldn't understand Nash."

"Cam. You have feelings for Shawn. Shawn has feelings for you. There's nothing wrong with that." I see Shawn finally step out of the elevator with his bags. He walks over to me and Nash.

"I'm about to do something Cameron. And how you react is going to have an affect on us." What is he taking about? His hands look like they were twitching and a sweat has broke out on his forehead.

"Hey guys, come here." All the guys gather around Shawn. "So I've been thinking about this for a long time. I've been keeping it a secret because I was scared of how you guys would take it. But I can't hold it back anymore. Guys, I'm gay. I can't help how I feel, all I know is that I know who I am......... and I'm really going out on a limb here."

"Man it doesn't matter what you're sexuality is, we're still you're friends." yelled Taylor. Pulling him into a hug. Everyone agrees with him. I could feel my face blushing. He looked at me waiting. I can't do it. There's no way. I'm not ready.

"I have another confession." said Shawn. My heart started beating. He was not about to do this. "I think I'm in love with someone guys. And his name is Cameron Dallas." All the guys turn around and look at me.

I panic and say "Sorry Shawn I don't swing that way. I still love you like a brother though." My heart snapped. My breathing got heavier. Everyone looked back at Shawn. Tears were forming in his eyes, however he kept his cool, his face getting red.

"That's ok Cameron. At least I know how you really feel now." Shawn, that's not fair. Nash looks at me shaking his head and looking at the ground. We all board the limo and head off to the airport, Shawn not saying a word to me. We board the plain and a couple of days ago Shawn had made it to where our seats were right next to each other. How sweet. However, he switched seats with Nash, sitting by Taylor instead.

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