Chapter 12: To The Hospital

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Shawn's P.O.V:

I finally got to my apartment. I unpacked my bags and just laid in my bed. I couldn't cry anymore, because it felt like my eyes were all dried up. It hurt. I got undressed and walked to my bathroom. I had a large bathtub, with jets. I started the water and pulled the drain. I went to my kitchen and got a snack. Why did everything seem so dark? Was I heart broken by what had happened? I had never actually said it until this trip, but I love Cameron Dallas. I love him. And he flat out deserted me. I went back to the bathroom and undressed. Everything seemed so dark. I crawl into the tub and lay down. I play my music, a large Bluetooth speaker was mounted on the wall. After a while the water was high enough and I turned the jets on. Then I laid down far enough to where the water was over my ears. The last thing I remember seeing was the clock. 6:14. After a few minutes not knowingly, I drifted off to sleep, sinking all the way into the water.

Cameron's P.O.V:

I ran directly to Shawn's apartment after parking the car. He was going to be so excited to know that I'm finally free, I'm out and have nothing to hide anymore. I knock on the door and wait. No answer. I looked at my watch. 6:15. Where was he? I stuck my ear to the door. I heard his music playing. Think Cameron. Where does he have a speaker in his house? After a few minutes it hit me. The bathroom! "Shawn open up." I started banging harder on the door. He wasn't thinking about commuting suicide was he? Still no answer on the door. I have to do what my self defense trainer taught me. "Ahhh." My leg rose up, smashing into the door, breaking it open. I ran to Shawn's bedroom and then bathroom. The image I saw was horrible. The tub was almost filled with water, and Shawn's head wasn't sticking out. I ran over and turned off the water pulling Shawn out. I pull him completely out of the tub and started to perform CPR. Push push push. Breath into his mouth. Push push push. Breath into his mouth. I felt his wrist and he had a small heart beat. I kept going until finally water shot out of his mouth. His eyes opened and he started breathing again. Thank God. I pull out my phone and dial 911.

"911 what is your emergency."

"My friend just tried to commit suicide, I performed CPR and he's breathing again but I'm really scared."

"I'm sending emergency services right now. What's the apartment number?"

"209." I hang up the phone and go back to Shawn. "Baby why would you do that?" My hands were rubbing his cheeks, and tears started pouring from my eyes.

"I didn't try to kill myself Cameron, I just fell asleep." Now he's lying to me.

"Shh. Don't talk." I say, pushing my index finger against his lips.

"Cameron you saved me."

"That's what you do for the one you love." My heart skipped a beat at the word love.

"You love me?"

"Shawn, the reason I was scared to come out was because of my mom. So I told her. I told her that I was gay and then I came straight here. There's no one else I want more in this world besides you." Tears of joy streamed down his face.

"Cameron, I'm being honest. I didn't try to kill myself. I would never do that. I really just fell asleep. I've been so exhausted." Was he telling the truth?

"Could you hand me that towel, I'm kinda cold." he said. I just realized he's butt naked. I grabbed the towel and he wrapped it around his waist.

"Dang it." I pout.

"What?" he ask quickly.

"I was enjoying the view." He smiles, snuggling closer to me.

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