Chapter 37: The Gift

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Cameron's P.O.V:
I roll over in my bed. I extend my arm and grab my phone, brining it close to my face. No texts from Shawn. Maybe I should text again.

Cam: "Hey babe, can't wait to see you tomorrow😘"

He probably just doesn't have service. He'll get it sometime tomorrow if he doesn't have service. I get out of bed, get dressed and head downstairs. My Aunt's house was fairly large but I could maneuver around it with ease. As I walked to the kitchen the smell of eggs and bacon hit my nose. It smelled so good. Kind of like Shawn's breakfast, only his smelled better. It was Aunt Susie making breakfast. "Morning sweety." she says.

"Good morning Aunt Susie."

"You hungry? Cause I made a bunch of food for us." My mom walked into the kitchen.

"That smells so good Susie."


"You always were the cook of the family." My moms looking at me now. "Cameron knows, I stink at cooking."

"You're not that bad mom, you're just not very good." I'm laughing now.

"Haha very funny mister." She sits down and Aunt Susie serves the food.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask before shoving a fork full of eggs into my mouth.

"I was thinking we could probably go to the beach, and maybe just hang out here. Watch movies or something."


"How's Shawn honey?" asked my mom.

"I don't know actually." I took another bite of food.

"Are you guys fighting right now?"

"No he just won't text back. I'm sure he just probably doesn't have service."

"Oh, I bet you're right."

"Cameron can I ask you a question?" asked my Aunt.


"Have you ever thought about marrying this Shawn guy?" I choke on the piece of egg going down my throat. I start coughing and take a drink of the water I had. I felt my face getting red. "Damn, it was just a question Cam. You didn't have to die." I laugh, my breath finally returning back to normal. Honestly I had thought of marrying Shawn. I'd thought about it almost 2 months ago. I decided it was too early to think about it. I'm also slightly scared he might say no. "You never answered the question Cam." she said, looking at me this time.

"Well I mean of course I've thought about marrying him. I love the guy to death. I mean hell, I took a bullet for him. I'd do anything for Shawn." I continue eating my food.

"Honey, that's so sweet." My mom says, hugging me.

"I mean it. I've never felt the love I do for him for anyone else. He's literally my everything."

"Well I'm glad you said that." Aunt Susie says. "Cause I've been trying to get rid of this for sometime." She stands up. "I'll be right back." She exits the kitchen.

"Do you know what this is about?" I question my mom.

"No idea Cam." After a few minutes she returned, me and my mom had finished eating.

"Here Cam. Take this." She sticks out her hand, grabbing my hand. I feel something drop off into my hand. I bring it into focus and see it's a beautiful golden ring.

"Woah Aunt Susie, I can't take this."

"Yes you can. I bought a long time ago on accident. It's a mans ring. It's been sitting in my jewelry box for sometime."

"This looks super expensive." I hand it to my mom.

"Susie, it really does look expensive."

"It's fine. It means nothing to me. I want you to have it. I've never seen you this happy in my life."

"What do you mean?" I question her.

"I don't know Cam. It's just like every time you say his name, or he's brought up in a conversation your face lifts up. You seem more of yourself lately, a happier version of you." Aww. That's so sweet.

"Well you do know we've only been together for almost 6 months right?"

"Cameron, no time is ever the right time to ask someone to marry you. If you think it feels right then you need to do it. You need to follow your gut. I mean unless you don't want to."

"No! I do!" I say. And I honestly do. I would absolutely love to marry Shawn. I feel my face smiling.

"You're smiling." Aunt Susie says laughing.

"Well it makes me excited thinking about marrying Shawn."

"Well whenever you decide to do it make sure you invite me."

"You honestly think I wouldn't invite you?"

"I'm just kidding Cam." I look back down at the ring. It would look so beautiful on Shawn's hand. "Oh wait, that's the wedding ring." She reached into her pocket. "This is the engagement ring." She handed it to me. The engagement ring was very much smaller. The two rings fit together like puzzle pieces.

"Thank you Aunt Susie."

"Your welcome Cameron."


I get up from our spot on the beach. I walk to the concession stands to get something to eat. I'm standing behind a nice looking guy in line. He's not as nice looking as Shawn, but he's definitely nice looking. He turns around, accidentally bumping into me. "Sorry." he says.

"It's fine." I say smiling. He stops and stares at me.

"My names Noah."

"Cameron." I say shaking his hand.

"You know I know this great place to eat a few blocks from here, if you wanted to go."

"Oh I'm sorry I..." he cuts me off.

"You're not gay. I get it. Sorry." He looks at the ground disappointed.

"No no, I'm gay." He looks back at me smiling. "It's just that I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, I see. Sorry to ask you on a date."

"It's fine."

"Would it be appropriate if I kissed you?"

"What the hell, no. I have a boyfriend, I can't just kiss random cute guys."


"Seriously Noah, I'm sorry. I'm loyal to my boyfriend. I'd never kiss someone else."

"I know man. I was just testing you. Just wanted to see how loyal you were."

"Oh, well thanks I guess?"

"See yah man."

"See yah."

I crawl into bed. I'm so worn out. I get on my phone and text Shawn again.

Cam: "I cannot wait to tell you what happened today. I got hit on by a guy! Don't worry I said no, but I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you tomorrow😘👅💦. Goodnight babe❤️"

I sit my phone down and I go to bed.

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