Chapter 48: Room 235

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Cameron's P.O.V:
I walk into my and Shawn's apartment. It looked so nice. No one had been here to disturb it in over a week. Shawn had 5 days to wake up. I'm going to call his parents soon and beg them for more time. I can't believe they're just gonna give up and let him die. What if he lives. I'm gonna call them right now. I go to the fridge. A few months ago Shawn and I wrote down our family's numbers on a pad of paper and attached it to the fridge. He loved his parents so much, and they disowned him after coming out as gay to them. I have no idea how anyone could disown their own child, especially someone like Shawn. I dial his mothers number. I sit down at the bar, waiting for her to answer. "Hello?" she says. It sounded like she had just finished crying.

"Hello, is this Shawn's mother?"

"Yes and who is this." she said.

"Hi, my name is Cameron I..." she cuts me off.

"How do you know my son?"

"Well ma'am I'm actually your sons fiancé." She stops talking for a second.

"Shawn is engaged to someone?"

"Yes ma'am. Shawn and I have been together for almost 7 months. I love him more than anyone else in this world. He's the greatest person I've ever met, and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Sorry, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Why are you calling me?"

"I want you to tell the doctors to give Shawn more time. Please ma'am, give Shawn time. You can't just let them pull the plug in 5 days!"

"You listen here, he's our son and we'll do whatever we think's right. He doesn't deserve to live in a coma state like that. We don't even know if he's in there. He deserves to go on to the next life. He's our child, we'll decide what happens to him. No one knows him better than us."

"You listen here lady, I know you gave birth to Shawn and both of you raised him, but you are no mother. When Shawn came out to you for who he really was you guys disowned him. You made him feel like a piece of garbage for expressing who he truly is. You made him feel bad for loving another human being. You have no room to make decisions in his life. You lost that right when you deserted him in the most vulnerable part of his life. I've been her for Shawn for almost 5 years now. First as a friend, then a best friend, then a lover. He's my best friend and the love of my life, and I refuse to have someone who couldn't even accept him or give him the time of day decide what's going to happen in his life. So you call that doctor and tell him you don't want them to pull the plug, or so help me God the hell I will raise upon you will be worse than anything you've ever experienced." I stopped talking to listen. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. I refuse to lose Shawn. I know he's still in there. I'm gonna go see him tonight.

"I'm sorry." his mom says crying into the phone. "But we're sticking with our decision. We'll give Shawn one extra day, but that's it. I'm sorry." How dare she. "And you're not invited to his funeral." The phone call ends. Did she seriously just say that to me? First she's going to murder her son, and then she won't even let the man he loved come to his funeral. You know what, we're not gonna have to worry about that because there isn't going to be a funereal. Shawn's going to wake up. I just know it. My heart is connected to his in a way I can't explain. I would know if he were gone. I walk into the bedroom in look at myself in the mirror. I looked like road kill. That's when I noticed my head. The upper left back of my head had a large part of hair missing. They must have shaved it off when they performed surgery. I took my phone and took a picture of it so I could get a better look. Sure enough running down the middle of the shaved spot was a scar. I guess for the next few months I'll be wearing a hat everywhere I go.


"Sweety are you sure you want to see him?"

"Yes mom. I've never been more sure about anything in my life." We were riding the elevator to floor 8, where Shawn was. I adjust the hat on my head. I wasn't used to wearing hats. My hair was usually able to breath freely. I just didn't want anyone seeing the scar. We step out when the elevator arrives. We walk to the front desk.

"Hello, we're here to see Shawn Mendes."

"How are you related to the patient?" the front desk lady ask. She was black and on the heavy side. Strangely she smelled of cookies.

"I'm his fiancé." I answered. "And this is my mother." I showed her my ring. She told us his room number and we started to walk there. It was to the right, down a long hallway and to the left. Room number 235.

"Sweety, are you sure you wanna see him."

"Yes mom." I say, opening the door to his room. I'm greeted to what looked like a million balloons and letters. His fans must have sent all of these. How sweet. Still, he was all alone. No one but Nash had been saying with him. I see my man laying on the hospital bed. He has a ventilator tube running down his throat. Life support is the only thing keeping him alive right now. Seeing him like this breaks my heart. I walk to his side and hold his hand. "Hi Shawn." I say, tears streaming down my face. I get down and plant a small kiss on his cheek. I'm standing on his right. He looks so much different from his adorable self. He looks like he's lost weight and muscle tone. It's ok. He's still mine. "I've missed you Shawny." I say. I put my hand on his cheek. His face is so smooth. I loved it. I'd give anything to see him smile, see those beautiful dimples of his. Hear that adorable laugh. See the light in his eyes when we talked. I'd taken him for granted our whole relationship. I'd give anything to go back and just hold him. Hold him tightly and never let him go. I loved him so much. "How does he eat?" I ask my mom.

"That's a feeding tube." she says, pointing to a needle in his arm.

"He's gonna make it mom. I just know it." She pulled me into a hug.

"We should try to stay positive sweety, but don't get your hopes up." I realized I was crying in her shoulder. I couldn't stand to see Shawn like this. He originally only had 5 days left but his mom said he could have one more day. I have 6 days to sit here by his side and hope he wakes up. If he doesn't, then I have no idea what I'm going to do.

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