Chapter 46: Aftershocks

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Cameron's P.O.V:
All I see is black. I can feel my body but I can't move anything. Silence surrounds me except for a slight crying I can hear. It sounds like it's so far away from me. Why can't I move my arms, my body. What is going on? Where is my Shawny. That's when I heard a voice I've never heard before. It sounded like an older man. He had just walked into the room. "Ms. Dallas may I have a word?" I guess the subtle crying I heard was my mother.

"How is he doctor?" Am I in a hospital?

"His condition has gotten better. He could wake up at any time now." I am awake! I said in my head. I wish I could just give them a sign. "His surgery went well. He should be able to hear you. Talk to him. I've been told by patients prior that it helped cheer them up." I hear the doctor walk away. Why am I in a hospital? I hear footsteps coming towards me, it's probably my mom. I feel her grab my hand with both of hers. Yes! I can feel my hand! If only I could move it.

"Hi sweety. It's your momma. I want you to know that I love you, and I can't wait for you to wake up." Why is Shawn not here? "If you can here me show me a sign sweety. Show me." I concentrate all of the energy I have into my hand. Move I say. Move. I feel my finger start to twitch. My mother gasps "Oh Cameron." I feel her lay down to hug me. "I'm right here sweety. There's nothing to be worried about. Everything's gonna be ok now. I want you to know I love you more than anything in this world." She was standing on my left side, and it was my left hand I had moved. I needed to give her a sign to tell me where Shawn is. I try and concentrate my energy in my ring finger. It took a lot of work before to twitch my fingers. I feel my ringer finger lift up and fall. Lift up, and fall. It doesn't feel like I'm wearing my ring. Where is it? "Why do you keep moving that finger sweety?" After a few more seconds I think she gets my point. "Are you asking about your ring?" I twitch my whole hand again. "Oh sweety." I hear her crying again. "I don't want to talk about it right now but here's your ring." I feel her slide it onto my finger. It was the only piece of Shawn I had right now. I need to wake up. I feel a heaviness take over my mind. Then I fall back asleep.

Gina's P.O.V:
"Ok darling, I'll see you in a few." I hang up the phone with Sierra. I called to let her know Cameron was moving his hand and that the doctor said he should be waking up at any time. She was a crying mess the last time I talked to her. Cameron had been in the hospital for about a week. After the first accident he was rushed into immediate surgery. He had cracked open the side of his head. After a few more days the swelling in his brain hadn't gone down so they operated on him again today. I loved my baby boy so much. I wish he could just wake up. I put his engagement ring back on him. I have no idea how I'm going to break the news about Shawn to him. He's going to be heart broken. I'm heart broken. Cameron's going to need all the support he can get, to get through these next few days. I'm gonna tell him as soon as he asks. I'm ripping it off like a band-aid.

Nash's P.O.V:
I look at myself in the mirror. I've cried so much in these past few days. If I would have just asked them to stay a little longer that drunken driver would have never wrecked into Cameron's car. If I would've asked them to stay a little longer none of this would be happening. Cameron and Shawn were going to get married. Why did this have to happen? I walk out of the hospital bathroom and find my way back to Cameron's room. Gina is sitting up. She just closed her phone. "Nash guess what?" she said, drying some tears in her eyes. I lift my eyes up to signal a 'what.' "Cameron just moved his hand. I was talking to him." She dried her tears again. "He wanted his ring back on." I saw more tears falling now. I walk towards her and give her a hug.

"Don't cry Gina. It's ok."

"I know Nash. It's just, how am I going to break the news to him. I don't know if he's going to be able to take it. He loves Shawn so much."

"I know Gina." I say holding back my tears. I have to be strong for her. "He's just going to have to take it one step at a time. Like all of us." Gina was crying into my shoulder. I look over at the door and see Sierra walking in.

Sierra's P.O.V:
These past few days have been so dramatic. I love my little brother so much and I'm so happy that he's getting ready to wake up. I honestly thought I was going to lose him. The moment I found out about what happened I wanted to press charges against the drunk driver but then I found out that the accident had killed him. Then I felt horrible. I also felt he deserved it at the same time. He's the one that's caused all of this. I look at my mom crying into Nash's shoulder. I like that he's been here to support her when I couldn't be. I look at Cameron laying on the hospital bed. I hated seeing him here. I can't wait for him to come home. I feel so horrible for mom. She's decided that she's going to be the one to break the news about Shawn to Cameron. He's going to be so heartbroken. I have no idea how he's going to deal with it.

There's only a few chapter's left fans. Just wait, I'm so sorry for all the sadness and confusion. Just wait. The ending is so close. Love you guys so much.

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