Chapter 9: The Break-Up

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Shawn's P.O.V:

My eyes fluttered open. I look up to a smiling Cameron. "Where you just watching me?" I say, moving closer into his arms.

"You're so cute when you sleep." he says moving some of my bangs out of my eyes. My heart melts.

"Awww. That's so cute Cam." I close my eyes laying back down in the cradle of his neck. I feel his arm leave my side and move down my body. I soon feel my ass being grabbed. "Cameron." I say blushing, loving the feeling of him grabbing my ass.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." he says laughing. He smacks my ass, causing it to jiggle and he puts his arms around me again.

"I really like this Cam. I like being in your arms. You make me feel safe again." I look up to him as I'm saying this.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to just be able to hold you in my arms. For you to be mine."

"I'm yours am I?" I question him smiling. "I don't remember you asking me out."

"Oh shut-up." I playfully go to leave his arms. He grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. "Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, would you like to be my boyfriend?" I feel my face blush as he says this.

"Of course Cameron." He kisses me on the forehead.

"We need to get ready. It's our last event today."

"I need to take a shower." I say standing up. "Wanna join me?" I say winking. He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me. He leans his forehead on mine.

"You're so freaking adorable Shawn." I walk into the bathroom and pull down my underwear. I soon feel pleasurable pain as Cameron smacks my ass.

"That's how you wanna play?" I turn around, saying seductively. I push him into the shower crashing our lips together. I have him pinned to the wall. He grabs the handle turning the water on.

"I do need to take a shower though Shawn." he says moving under the water.

"Fine." I let him take up most of the water. I just stand there looking at his glorious naked body. The way his ass cheeks curve; the way his perfect little hips join his butt to his sides. The way his back moves as he washes his body. "Let me help you." I start rubbing my hands through his hair. He leans his head back, so the shampoo doesn't get in his eyes. After I'm done washing his hair he turns around. "My turn." I whisper, trading him spots in the shower. As I'm walking by him, he grabs me by the waist, crashing our lips together. His hand moves down to 'little Shawn.' "Cameron, easy boy." The beast inside of him was taking him over as he looked at my naked body. I washed my body, with the help of Cameron, and we got out and dried off.


"I am so worn out." I crash on the bed, instantly feeling relief.

"Me too." he says laying next to me. Our event had ended about 40 minutes ago and we had finally made it back to the room.

"I'm sorry Cameron, but I think I'm to tired to do anything tonight." He pulls off his clothes getting closer to me.

"I completely understand baby." I cradle into his arms again, my heart fluttering when he calls me baby.

"I was thinking Cam, about when we get back to L.A." He looks at me sad.

"I was thinking about that too Shawny." It was quite for a minute.

I broke the silence saying, "Maybe we should move in together?"

"I was thinking the same thing."

"I couldn't imagine sleeping in a bed without you Cam." He kisses my forehead.

"I feel the exact same way babe." My arms are pushed against his chest, and his arms were around my body. "You have no idea how good it makes me feel knowing I can just hold you close and protect you, every night." I hear my phone vibrate. "Who's that?"

"I have no idea." I turn around and grab my phone off the beside table.

Josh: Hey Shawn😘.

I look over at Cameron. "who is it?" I hesitate for a moment.

"It's Josh." He stares straight past me. "What'd he say." I showed him the message. "Well you're gonna tell him you guys are through right?"

"Of course Cameron. No one compares to you." I start typing.

Shawn: Josh, I'm so sorry but I have a boyfriend. His name is Cameron Dallas and I've never been more in love. I don't want to hurt you, I just can't help how I feel. Maybe we were meant for each other in another life.

I hit send. Cam reads the message and pulls me into his embrace. "I know that was hard for you."

"It's fine." I felt bad. I hated hurting people.

"Well I'm sorry you had to do that. Sometimes we have to do hard things for the ones we love." I could hear a since of hurt in his voice. Was I making him feel bad because of how hard his was for me? I grab his face and turn it towards me again, crashing our lips together.

"It's fine. You're the one I want." He smiles and wrapped his arms around me. He felt so warm; I could lay like this for an eternity. I heard Cam start snoring. He's such a cute sleeper. I close my eyes and finally fall asleep in his arms.

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