Chapter 20: All The Strings Unravel

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This gonna be a long chapter. Be ready for all the drama.

Shawn's P.O.V:

I get out of bed. Yesterday was when I talked to Nash last. I wander if Cameron's told him anything since. I shouldn't matter. I need to get over him. I walk into the living room and see Josh still asleep. I had no plans today. Maybe we could hang out. I go back to my bedroom and put some clothes on. (I was just in my underwear.) When I walk back out Josh is awake. "Good morning Shawn."

"It's almost 1pm Josh."

"We both slept in really late." He's smiling and I kind of giggle. He smacks the couch cushion beside him. "Come sit." I sit down next to him. "So wutcha wanna do today Shawny?" He was smiling.

"Maybe we could just sit here and watch movies."

"I love it. What movies you got?"

"I have Netflix."

"Let's watch something scary."

"I'll get scared though." Did he seriously like me?

"I'll protect you Shawn."

"Whatever Josh." I say laughing and punching his shoulder. He's sat back down on the couch now. The movie starts. I feel Josh slowly inch closer to me. I'm sitting in the middle and he's sitting on the very left. He's clearly into me. I'm sorry Josh. I just don't like you like that. I like Cameron. And I honestly think I don't wanna be with anyone except for him. I said all of this in my head of course. A gory seen appeared and I got scared. I moved my head to the left. He wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok Shawn." he said in my ear. I need to tell him I don't like him. I can't mislead him. I grab the remote and pause the tv. I flip the lights on.

"What's going on Shawn?"

"Josh I need to talk to you."

"What about?"

"I know you like me Josh. And I'm flattered. You're a great guy." I pause, m heart about to beat of my chest. "I just feel like my heart was made for one person, and he doesn't even want me. I just think I would rather be alone if I can't be with him, because honestly any other love would be fake, and would never live up to the love I feel for him." There were tears in my eyes. Why can't we just be together. I need to talk to him.

"Shawn, he doesn't like you. You can't keep loving him."

"You're wrong Josh. I know that deep down somewhere he still loves me."

"Shawn.." he says, trying to wrap his arms around me. I push them away.

"I think you should go Josh."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you need to get your stuff and leave."

"Shawn I'm sorry, I'll stop."

"Josh you can stay tonight but I seriously need you out by tomorrow morning."

"Shawn, don't say that."

"I mean it Josh."

"Whatever man."


It had been a few hours since my argument with Josh. I was laying in my bed. My phone vibrates. It's a text from Taylor.

Taylor: "party at my house tonight loser. Be there at 8!"
Shawn: "is Cam gonna be there?"
Taylor: "idk Shawn. It doesn't matter either. Just come. It'll be fun."
Shawn: "I'll see you at 8 man."

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