Chapter 43: The Proposal

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Shawn's P.O.V:
It was almost time. I was standing in the kitchen cooking chicken and noodles with cheese. It's Cameron's favorite meal that I make. I had candles spread throughout the apartment. I just finished the food. It's setting in a pan on the stovetop. I take the heat down to low and walk to the bedroom. I get dressed in a dress shirt and black dress pants. I wanted to look fancy tonight. I opened the patio doors, the cool breeze blowing into the apartment. I walked around and lit all of the candles, and lowered the lights down to dim. I had texted Gina earlier and told her to make sure Cameron was wearing something nice. I can't wait for him to arrive. I go out to the patio and make sure the table is set. 2 plates, 2 sets of silverware, and 2 napkins. It was just missing the food and Cameron and I. I pull out my phone. I had an unopened text from Gina. "Cameron's on his way!!" It was from 20 minutes ago. Which means he's gonna be here any minute. I feel the ring box in my pocket. I can't wait.

"Sorry Gina, I just got your text. He hasn't got here yet." I called Gina.

"Don't worry Shawn. Don't be nervous. He's gonna say yes. I'm so happy for you too."

"Thank you Gina. Seriously, for all the help today." I hear the front door unlocking. "He's hear. Bye Gina."

"Bye Shawn, love you!"

"Love you too Gina." I hang up the phone. I walk over to the speaker that connected to my iPhone. I hit shuffle on my playlist. I made a special one for tonight.

Cameron's P.O.V:
I open the door. The aroma of lit candles hits my nose. It smells so nice. I walk in and start to smell Shawn's amazing Cheesy Chicken and Noodles. There's also a small hint of roses in the air. "Shawn?" I say out loud. He's standing in between the living room and kitchen. The lights in the apartment are dim, and there are lit candles everywhere. "Shawn, this looks amazing." I say. I drop my coat off on the chair. I walk to Shawn and I hug him. "What's all of this for babe?"

"I just wanted to show you how much I love you, and how much you mean to me." That's so sweet. I kiss him on the lips. "So tonight we shall be feasting on your favorite meal out on he patio."

"Fancy." I say.

"Then we'll curl up on the couch" (which is covered in rose petals) "and watch your favorite movie."

"Aww. I love you Shawn." He grabs my hand and leads me to the patio. I sit down and he goes to grab the food. He returns, setting the pan in the middle of the table. I take the spoon and scoop some onto my plate. He does too after I've got a nice amount and I start eating. He looks so beautiful. I loved when he dressed up. It turned me on. "This taste incredible." I say, taking another bite. "I love your cooking."

"Thank you." he says blushing.

"I literally love how you still blush when I compliment you Shawn. It's the most adorable thing ever." He looks up into my eyes. Why did God have to make him so freaking perfect. Everything about him. His eyes, his hair, his body in general, his laugh, his personality, his cooking, the way he gives me butterfly kisses to wake me up in the morning. No one else was more perfect for me than him. Maybe I should propose right now. It's never felt more right. I stand up. He grabs my wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back."

"Wait Cameron, I wanna say something first." I look at him, a slight worry in my eyes.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask. He grabs both of my hands with his, looking into my eyes.

Shawn's P.O.V:
The music on the speaker started playing "A Thousand Years" by: Christina Perri. The perfect song for this moment. (Play it right now reader if you'd like. It really enhances the scene.)

"Cameron since the first time I met you I knew that you were special. I knew that my heart was made for you. I knew that our hearts were meant for eachother. I knew after I saw that cute smile that I had to make you mine." He was smiling and looking back into my eyes. "I knew that no matter what happened I also wanted to be near you. Rather it was as a friend, or a best friend, or a brother. I had no idea that one day you'd actually love me back and I'd get to call you my lover. But here we are. Living in this movement as two lovers. And Cameron I know without a doubt that there's no one else I'd ever want to spend my life with." I let go of his hands and move down onto my right knee. I reach in my pocket and pull out the ring box. "Cameron Alexander Dallas would you do me the incredible honor of marrying me?" Tears were forming in his eyes. He moved down onto his knee with me.

"Shawn I love you so much." He was whispering. "I'm whispering because if I talk any louder than I might cry. I want you to know Shawn that you are the most incredible person I've ever met in my life. Everything you do brings a smile to my face, from the way you eat, to the way you laugh, to the way you smile, everything just amazes me. And I want you know that I love you more than anything on this Earth. I would die for you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. I've taken a bullet for you, and I'd take a thousand more." I felt my face smiling. "But I can't marry you Shawn. I'm sorry................"

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