Chapter 47: The Truth Is Revealed

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Cameron's P.O.V:
I open my eyes. The bright light shining through the window hurts my eyes. I haven't opened my eyes in 8 days. I open my mouth. "Mom." I say. My voice sounded strange. I got used to hearing my voice in my head. My mom is asleep and so is Nash. Why am I in the hospital. "Mom!" I say louder this time. She opens her eyes, blinks a few times then sees me sitting up in the bed.

"Cameron!" she screams. She runs straight towards me, wrapping me up in a hug. Nash is awake now too. He looks over at me sleepily then runs to me just like my mom did. They're both smiling. "How do you feel Cameron?" she asks.

"I'm fine." I pause for a second. My head kind of hurts. "Why am I here?" She looks back at Nash, the smile leaving her face.

"You don't remember sweety?"

"Remember what?"

"I'll leave you two alone." Nash says, walking towards the door. "I'll go get Sierra."

"Mom what's going on? And where is Shawn?" I couldn't wait to see his smile. He must me a mess thinking about me since everyone else is. I can't wait to hug him. I miss his embrace. My mom's eyes look a little darker than before. Her whole face kind of does. The excitement of seeing me wake up is gone. I sense bad news coming. What'd I do to get myself in here?

"Well Cameron, do you remember the day of your Nana's birthday party?" I thought back. I remember going and announcing to everyone Shawn and I's engagement.

"Yes. We went to the birthday party, made our announcement and then we went to Nash's house." My brain stopped thinking after I thought about leaving Nash's house. I had no recollection of what happened after that. "The last thing I remember is me and Shawn leaving Nash's house." My mom's face looks sad. "What's going on mom? What happened!!" I feel so confused. I have this raging pain in the upper back left of my head. I go to touch and my mom grabs my hand.

"Does your head hurt sweety?"

"A little bit why?"

"I need a doctor! Doctor!" she yells.

"Mom what's wrong."

"Nothing sweety. Everything's going to be ok."

"Mom you're scaring me.." I get cut off. I feel my whole body twitching. I feel foam leaving my mouth. I have no control over my own body. What's going on? Everything goes black and I'm back in that uncontrollable sleep.


I open my eyes again. It's night time. The pain in my head is gone. That's good I guess. I look around my room and see no one. "Shawn?" I call out. He walks into the room.

"Yes baby I'm here. Don't worry." He lays down next to me. I wrap him up in my arms. He's smiling.

"I love you so much Shawny."

"I love you too Cameron."

"Do you have any idea what's going on here?"

"I have no idea either. Just no I'm here with you, forever and always Cameron. I'm never gonna give up on you so please never give up one me." he says. I blink and when I open my eyes he's gone.

"Shawn!?" I scream out. "Shawn!!"

I raise up in bed. I'm sweating all over. "Cameron are you ok sweety?" It's my mom.

"Where is Shawn?" I say nervously. I'm shaking.

"Cameron we can talk about it later."

"No. Tell me now!" I'm shaking more. I'm afraid to hear her answer. She covers her mouth.

"Cameron that night after you left Nash's house you guys were in a car accident. A drunk man driving a semi crashed into your car." My mom was crying now. I was not ready to here what she was about to say.

"Where is Shawn?" I ask again, crying now. "He's not de.." I go to say dead but I can't. "He isn't gone. He can't be." My mom is crying horribly now. I space out looking out the window. It's a gloomy day, grey clouds fill the sky. I feel like a dark cloud is wrapped around me. Shawn can't be dead. I look at my mom and her mouth is moving but I hear no words. She just finished talking. "I'm sorry. I didn't hear that." I said, swallowing the lump in my throat. I couldn't bear to here what she was about to tell me. I look at her as she opens her mouth again.

"Cameron, Shawn isn't dead." She pauses. "Yet." What does she mean not yet? I have to see him right now.

"Where is he?" I say, trying to get out of the bed.

"Cameron, Shawn isn't dead... yet." I sit back down on the bed. I couldn't walk away anyways because an I.V was attached in my arm.

"What do you mean?" I say. I feel tears falling down my face. I can't hear this. I can't listen to what she's about to tell me.

"Shawn's in a coma Cameron. He hadn't responded at all and the doctors say chances are... that he isn't going to wake up." She's crying more. "He suffered minor brain damage in the accident." I lay back down on the bed, this news hitting me like a bullet. Shawn isn't dead, but he might as well be. "If he isn't responsive in 6 days they're." she pauses to catch her breath.

"They're what?" I say furiously.

"They're going to take him off life support. They're gonna unplug him from the machines and he's going to die." My mom says crying, looking the other direction.

"Why in 6 days!?" I yell furiously.

"Because the hospital called his parents. Since you two aren't married yet, his closet family members are the deciding factor with his life support. His mom and dad said that if he didn't wake up 2 weeks after the accident, that the doctors were going to pull the plug."I feel tears stream down my face.

"They can't do that." I yell.

"Yes they can Cameron. And they are." I pull on my I.V.

"I wanna see him. Get me out of hear." I pull on it harder. Why is this all happening?

"Cameron calm down. Look at me, look at me." My mom holds my face in between her hands. I'm crying horribly now. I can't handle this anymore. "We're gonna get you out of here when the doctors say you can. Then, if you promise me you can contain yourself I'll let you go see Shawn. Ok?" I breathe in and out, calming myself down.

"Ok mom." Soon Sierra and Nash come in and I say hi and greet with both of them. I guess they've been staying at the hospital every other night just to see me and make sure I'm ok. The doctor says I should be able to leave today, my mom just has to monitor my pain level every few hours. I also have prescribed medicine to take for my head. The doctor says most of the worst part is over. I just have to heal up, and I should be back to 100% myself in a few months. But he's wrong. I will never be 100% myself if Shawn doesn't wake up. And I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure he does. Or at least buy him enough time to wake up.

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