Chapter 33: Separate Ways

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I haven't much talked on here at all. I'm very happy with how this book is coming and I love to see you guys reading it! Please comment and follower me if you enjoy this story! I can't believe we're already on chapter 33! Also if you think the story is almost done just wait, there is plenty more drama in store for our lovely duo. Comment what you think should and will happen!
------------------------------------------------------------Shawn's P.O.V:
"Damnit Aaron!" I yelled.

"Shawn I am so sorry!" A couple minutes ago we had stopped and got McDonalds. Aaron got a large coke and we had just hit a large bump in the road. I looked at my soaked pants.

"It's fine Aaron. You didn't mean." I think I hurt his feelings when I yelled. I made Taylor pull over at a rest stop. We got out and I ran to the bathroom. I started grabbing paper towels, trying to dry the stain.

"Shawn, I seriously am sorry." He was smiling now. He went to say something but started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I try to say madly but can't. Aaron's laugh is making me smile.

"It looks like you pissed your pants man." He was still laughing. I looked over in the mirror at myself.

"Damnit Aaron. You're right." He eventually stopped laughing.

"Here, I'll switch you pants." He stated to unbuckle his jeans.

"No no, it's fine man."

"No I feel bad Shawn. Just take mine. It's cool." I watched as he took his pants off. He was wearing very tight American Eagle underwear. Stop looking Shawn! His bulge looked so big right now. "Here. Shawn?" I was lost in thought staring at his bulge. I hope he didn't see me.

"Ugg thanks." I say, grabbing the jeans. Now I have to take mine off. I better not have a hard on. I slide them off and hand them to him.

"Nice underwear man." I looked down at my underwear. They were Cameron's. Cameron's!

"Oh, ugg thanks. They're actually Cameron's."

"Cool. So how come he didn't wanna come with us?"

"Oh no reason. Camping just isn't his thing." We we're walking back out to Taylor's van now.

"Well you know if I were your boyfriend I wouldn't care if I liked something, I'd do it just to hang out with you." He smiled.

"Are you gay Aaron?" The smile suddenly left his face.

"Oh no no no. I just meant like you're just a great friend. I like hanging out with you. That's all." He was smiling again. Was Aaron gay? Should I believe him? I think he's lying.

"Whatever man." I say.

"Shawn seriously. I'm not gay."

"Ok. I 'believe' you." I say making quotation marks with my fingers.

"Shut up Shawn." he says pushing me playfully.

"I'm just kidding man." I don't know if I was though. And why is my heart racing thinking about Aaron being gay? I'm probably just horny because me and Cameron didn't get to finish our little session this morning. I need to text him. We're back in Taylor's van now and we're on the road again. I pull out my phone. I go to text Cameron when Nash starts talking.

"You're already texting him Shawn?"

"What do you mean?"

"We've been gone for maybe an hour and you're already texting. I bet you guys couldn't go a whole day without texting."

"Yes we could Nash. I could go this whole trip without texting him." He sticks out his hand.

"Let's shake on it then." Aaron and Taylor are making ohhh sounds now.

"I was just saying we could, not that I'm going to."

"Come on Shawn. Aren't you curious to see if you can do it. It's only 72 hours. You can go 72 hours without texting him, or calling him."

"I could." They're all laughing now. "I'm serious. I'm my own person. It just makes me happy talking to Cameron all the time."

"Fine if you're so confident shake on it. You can't text or call Cam the whole camping trip. If you don't text or call him you'll see that you can still function and work on you're own. If you text him, you'll see that you depend on him way to much." I can function on my own. Fine then guys.

"Deal." I extend my arm and shake hands with Nash.

"Ok, give us your phone."

"What, that's not fair. What if I wanna get on Instagram or something." Nash talks to Aaron and Taylor.

"It's to risky. We won't be able to tell if you cave." Fine I say defeated. I hand Nash my phone. "Good. Now this if going to be a fun camping trip."

Cameron's P.O.V:
My mom and I just boarded the plane. It's 5:43 pm. The plane is set to take off at 6:00pm. "This is gonna be fun, right Cammy?"

"Totally." I say laughing, finding our seats.

"It is. We haven't seen my sister in a long time. I bet Shawn would love her. Why didn't you invite him to come with us?" She sat down next to me after putting away her carry on.

"I already told you mom, he went camping with some of the guys."

"Oh yah yah. I just forgot. Why didn't you go camping with them sweety?" I turn quickly looking at her. Had she really just asked me that question.

"You know why mom!"

"Is it because everything that happened with your dad? Gosh, I had no idea it affected you that badly."

"Yah mom, it was a scaring moment in my life."

"Well I'm sorry honey. I had no idea. I've completely erased that man from my mind."

"Well it's harder for me mom."

"I know sweety. Let's stop taking about him."

"Great idea." I lean my seat back. "I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when we're close."

"Ok sweety. I love you."

"I love you too." I close my eyes and lay my seat back. After a few minutes I feel the plane take off, and we were headed to my aunts house in Fordsdale, Florida.

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