Chapter 51: Peace At Last

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Shawn's P.O.V:
Cameron fell asleep a few minutes ago. I love laying here with him. He's so cute when he sleeps. His abs rise and fall with his chest. His arms are wrapped around me, cuddling me. We spooned almost every night since we got back from the hospital. It's been about 3 weeks. Our wedding is in 2 months! We've been so busy planning everything. I can't wait to see him in his little tuxedo. He's gonna look so adorable. I'm laying in his chest. My eyes notice the scar he has from when he got shot. I move my fingers across it, feeling the wound Cameron took for me. The bullet that hit him right here could have hit me, and I could be dead. His scar looks and feels so weird. I love it though. He used to be embarrassed of it but I had to explain to him that I thought it was sexy. It made him look strong. More rugged. I lay my head back down on his chest, still rubbing his scar. "You ok babe?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up." I felt bad. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I look up at him.

"No, well yes but it's fine." he says smiling. His eyes are closed when he talks.

"Go back to sleep." I say.

"If you wanna talk we can." he says, opening his eyes this time. He pulls the lamp string and the light comes on.

"I was just laying hear thinking about...."

"Thinking about what."

"I was thinking about you. Look at this scar." I move my hand back down to his scar.

"What about it?" he says holding my hand still over it.

"You got this because you risked your life for me. I was just wandering about all the things you've done for me and how I've literally done nothing in return." I was being honest. I felt like Cameron was the one who always made the sacrifices.

"Babe look at me." He repositioned us, so we were facing each other. "Shawn if it weren't for you, we wouldn't even be here right now. You're the one that helped me come out of the closet. I was so scared about how everyone else would think and forgot about how I felt. You grabbed my hand and pulled me through all of those struggles. Remember when you first came out? I deserted you! I was the one that acted straight." I didn't like talking about that. That was a very dark time in my life. "Shawn all I'm saying is that we've both made sacrifices for each other. You've given up your parents and family to live a happy life with me. I would have never been able to do that." I looked him deep into his eyes. "Shawn all I know is that I love you, and it shouldn't matter if one of us is sacrificing more than the other, just as long as both of us are willing to sacrifice. Like for example, if you wanted to start touring and you left tomorrow, I'd pick up my stuff and go with you. I'd follow you to Japan or China or Germany, anywhere!"

"Would you really?" I asked excitedly. I was actually thinking about touring again.

"Of course babe. I couldn't stand being away from you. Besides you'll be my husband in a couple of months. I can't just let my husband go around touring alone." He giggled then leaned in to kiss me. "This is love Shawn. Crazy, sporadic, confusing love. And that's the beauty of it. That we both feel for each other so strongly that we'd be willing to give anything just to see the other smile." I kissed him this time.

"Cameron I want you to know that I would take a million bullets for you. I'd do whatever it took to keep you safe." He smiled.

"I know babe. You tell me like everyday."

"Well I don't want you to forget." I say, rolling away.

"Wait come back." He rolled me back over kissing me. His lips tasted like peanut butter.

"Why do your lips taste like peanut butter?" I ask confused.

"I ate a Reese Cup before we got in bed." he said smiling. "You wanna another taste?"

"Definitely." I say. We connect lips and I move my tongue into his mouth, tasting the peanut butter and chocolate remnants left over.

"I was kidding." he says pushing me away.

"You wanna go take a bath?" I asked.

"Yes." he says standing up. Who cares if it was 2:03 in the morning. He went and started the water. I walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and searched for a bottle of water. "Babe." I hear behind me. I turn around and see a naked Cameron standing behind me.

"Hey there." I say laughing.

"Do you like how I shaved this morning?" he asked laughing. He was just looking for an excuse for me to look at his package.

"Yes babe. You know I like it when it's all trimmed."

"Come here." he says opening his arms. I walk towards him and he hugs me. "Do you remember the first time you saw me naked?" he asked. I thought back in my head.

"Was it during that one MAGCON trip when we started dating?" I started laughing. "I walked in on you jerking it." I say laughing more.

"I was so embarrassed." he says looking away.

"I have no idea why, you have nothing to be embarrassed of." I say looking down at his crotch then winking at him.

"Shut up." he says kissing me.

"You know what I like about you Cameron?"

"What's that?"

"You're always so touchy feely when you're horny." I smile at him. "I love it." He laughs kissing me again. He bends down and picks me up off my feet. "What are you doing?" I yell.

"I'm carrying you to the bathtub, you're taking to long." He carries me there and sets me down on my feet in the bathroom.

"Thank you Cameron." I say laughing. I look in the mirror at the two of us. It was so confusing to me. How at one point in my life I had lived without him. Not even knowing his touch. Then how as time went by, we slowly got closer, I became more dependent on him. This love is so confusing, but as Cameron said I guess that's just the beauty of it all. I wonder how he's going to respond when I tell him I think we should quit MAGCON. I'm sure he'll be fine. What could possibly go wrong?
The End.
Jk. Lol. --------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys! I hope you liked this book. I worked really hard and had a lot of fun writing it. If this story toyed with your emotions, just wait. I've decided to write a sequel!!😱😱😱 I won't reveal to much but I will say this: the story is nothing compared to the way the next book is going to make you feel. Shawn and Cameron's story is not even close to being done. Dear readers their story has hardly even begun.😈

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