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Dedicated to ArjinTastan for your awesome comment on the last chapter.

Ally's POV

"Hey Ally come here." One of the Twins say, I feel so bad that I still can't tell the twins apart mainly because im dating Ivan.

"Yea, what's up?"

"Do you want to go and see the stars?"

"Yea, let's go." I say, grabbing my phone off the counter.

"Emilio, want anything from the the stars walk?" Ivan asks as Emilio walks downstairs.

"Yea, get me a beanie." He says handing Ivan twenty dollars.

I drive Ivan and I to the Stars, or should I say Emilio.

I know what your thinking what do you mean Emilio, well the other day I heard Ivan and Emilio talking about how they are going to see if I can tell them apart.

Ivan said that Emilio should invite me to see the stars and flirt with me and see if I would kiss him. I guess Ivan is testing to see if I can tell him apart from Emilio.

And I have Ivan loves the color pink and Emilio likes the color red. Emilio always wears something red, no matter what. Also Ivan has two freckles on his face while Emilio doesn't.

I figured that out yesterday.

As Emilio and I walk down the stars we talk about random things, we take pictures and shop.

"Ally let's go into the photo booth." I nod going into the photo booth. Emilio follows me in, we make funny faces at the camera.

Emilio looks at me then my lips and starts leaning in. Their plan to see if I can't tell them apart is about to get an answer.

"I know it's you Emilio." Emilio stops, smiling at me.

"How did you know?"

"One Ivan has two freckles on his face you don't, two your wearing red you love the color red. And three I heard your and Ivan's plan to see if I can tell you two apart."

Emilio laughs before we start to head home. When we get in the house Ivan is on Emilio's bed laying down.

I guess Emilio didn't tell him that I can tell them apart. I go up to Ivan and wrap my arms around him, planting a kiss on his soft lips.

We kiss for a few seconds, then he pulls away.

"I know about your plan and besides I can tell you and Emilio apart." Ivan kisses me and we end the day laying on his bed watching the show Bizaardvark.

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