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Ivan's POV

*Before doctor announces Ivan has amnesia*

"You will be in the hospital for three weeks under close supervision for two nurses. Then you can go back home to your friends." The doctor tells me before writing some stuff down, why did I try to kill myself? My life is going so well, I'm in two of the best YouTube channels ever. Team 10 and Martinez Twins are what make up my amazing friends/ family. I have everything that I could ever ask for, why would I ever want to end it all?

"Before I go would you like to see any of your friends? All of them have been asking for you."
I really do need to talk to them, maybe they can tell me why I tried to kill myself. I nod drinking some of the water the nurse brought to me when I first woke up. "Okay, there at ten of them, just letting you know that they all came." The doctor says before leaving.

Ten? I only live with nine of my friends, not ten. Who is the tenth person.

"Okay I'll go and get them after the doctor speaks with them." The nurse says checking my IV before leaving to get my friends. A few minutes later someone knocks on my door.

"Come in." I say sitting up in the hospital bed turning the tv off. Just like the doctor says all of my friends and brother came in.

"Ivan," is all everyone says surrounding me in a huge group hug. Everyone starts talking to me all at once but I'm not paying attention to them, I'm looking at the beautiful girl smiling at me sadly with tears in her eyes.

The girl has beautiful brown eyes with little specks of gold in them. She has long wavy dark brown hair, she has natural beach waves that most girls would kill for. She's short five feet tall at the most maybe five one, she has a small freckle almost in the center of her eyes. She's dressed in our Team 10 pick sweater mech, light blue skinny jeans with some tears in the knees.

"Ivan, Ivan." Tessa says waving her hand in front of my face. I blink a couple times bringing my attention away from the drop dead gorgeous girl across the room.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" I say looking up at Tessa giving her my full attention.

"Well Emilio will be with you everyday when visiting hours start and end so he will be with you everyday. But the schedule for all of us to spend some time with you here is, Chad, Emilio, and I until visiting hours are up tonight and in the mornings. Then Kayde, Tristan, and Nick, will be with you in the afternoons. At night will be Anthony, Jake, Chance, and Ally will stay with you." Tessa tells me but I'm not paying attention to who is staying with me at what times, I just want to know who the beautiful girl is.

"Okay, but who is Ally?" Everyone goes quiet looking over at the drop dead gorgeous girl with tears almost threatening to fall. Is she Ally, is she new to Team 10.

"You don't remember Ally?" Nick asks rubbing the back of his beck nervously. Am I supposed to know who she is, is she someone who is/ was important to me? I shake my head causing Ally to cry into her hands.

Tristan immediately rushes to Ally wrapping his arms around her tightly kissing the top of her head. I don't know what it is but I don't like Tristan hugging Ally, I want to no I should be the one hugging and kissing her.

"Did the doctor tell you that you have amnesia?" Anthony asks sitting down in the chair next to me, I nod hating the fact that I can't remember anything from when Emilio and I first came to live with Team 10. I can only remember one month out a whole year, I have no idea what I did in that year I can't remember.


Everyone but Tessa, Emilio, and Chad. Chad went down to the hospital cafeteria to grab the three of them for dinner, when the one of my nurses came in to  give me my dinner. The food isn't that great but it's hospital food, what do you expect? Chad comes back a few minutes later with three trays of food them. I have to admit their food looks a lot better Then mine at the moment I mean mine looks like it was food at one point but I don't know what it is now and I certainly am not going to eat it.

Tessa, Chad, and Emilio are telling me about something's that apparently happened before I lost my memory, about putting up at Drakes house for sale and hope bunch of other peoples houses as jokes and how our house was put up for sale at one point but I don't remember anything but it certainly sounds like I had a lot of fun.

Well have you a great time going back on memories even though I can't remember anything but it certainly sounds like it was a blast it really sucks I lost a whole year of my life in that house with all my friends because I made a stupid decision but I don't understand why I did it I was so happy why would I try to tell myself does make any sense.

"So then we spun the wheel I am y'all decided that every member of team 10 was going to get a little ex and that's how you have your little tattoo on your arm that's how I got mine at says they are handsome with yours and your brothers face." Chad says moving his shirt sleeve so I can see the tattoo.

"So could you guys maybe tell me of that Ally girl is single or anything or if you're dating Tristan?" Everybody email you stop smiling and laughing and becoming more interested in the food on their plate then my question. Is Ally dating Tristan or somebody else in Team 10? Oh my god what if she is dating Emilio and I just basically said that I wanted to date Ally! Oh my god this is so awkward what I do I say now?

everyone kind of looks at each other but they don't make eye contact with me they're really avoiding the question I just want know the answer if she seeing someone I will back off and let her and that guy date but if you're single I'm going to make it my mission in life to date her. I don't know what is about her and I know I don't remember anything but man I really want to date her.

Thank you all for the kind comments, your comments made me feel so much better. This chapter goes out to everyone that commented such sweet comments:)

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