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Dedicated to mayawilder for the prompt

"I'll see you later Ivan." I say kissing his nose, I close the door behind me walking through the front gate.

"Ally can I please have a picture have an autograph anything please." Some fans say, of course I'll give them a picture and I got it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am today I'm so thankful for them. "Thank you so much Ally, your the best." A couple fans say as I wave bye to them all, I turn the corner to my car. I don't like to park my car in front of the house sensors fans everywhere and I don't want my car to accidentally gets scratched so I park it down the street around the corner.

My phone goes off singing Walking in the Wind by One Direction. I swipe my phone seeing I have a text from Emilio asking if I can bring him back a frozen yogurt. As I'm about to text back everything around me goes black. I try to fight whatever it is or whoever it is that put something over my head but there's too many but at least six or seven wait to many for me to fight off.

- 3 hours later

Oh my God I had hurts so bad it literally feels like somebody took a baseball bat and was using my head as a baseball I'm really going to need some Tylenol after this. I look around me it's pitch black, where I am it's smells old like wherever I am hasn't been clean or no one has walked into it for many years.

"Hello Alyssa." Someone says but I can't see them and no one called me a lesson or I haven't been called Alyssa since well Alyssa Violet and I were both in the Team 10 house and whenever someone was calling for one of us we would both answer.

"I don't know who you are or what you want with me but trust me I don't have anything I don't have any money on me. I don't have anything worth value. Please, I won't say anything to the police. I promise."

"Oh you'll be getting out anytime soon Alyssa." Wait a minute I know that voice I went to school with him I dated him he's been to the team 10 house before.


"Hi Alyssa." Max says as some lights turn in but very they turn in very dim. But it's not just Max that's here Max,  Ramos,  Julian, Andrew Nick, Jacob, and Deantony. Why are they all here I mean I understand maybe Max because we did date but why is it when I see you especially Jacob. Jacob and I were best friends in high school.

"Max, why am I here? Why did you guys kidnap, why cant I go home? Please let me go home." I say trying my hardest to get out of the ropes that I'm tied in.

"Well you see Alyssa. I knew that when you saw me of a Team 10 house and I was making those designs for team 10 to choose from I knew that you were there I asked specifically for that job. And if you had just suggesting my girls another time this would've happened but you said no and that little pretty boy what's his name Ivan? Is it? He has had a come in and save you didn't he."

"Look Max. I'm sorry that yes I did cheat on you with Ivan but you have to understand now that I don't like you I don't love you anymore. I love Ivan, he is my true love nobody else just let me go now. I won't say anything to anyone please I'll go back team 10 house and say that I went to go visit a friend and that was it. So please don't hurt me and don't hurt Ivan. Please."

"No. You see Ally I knew you liked me the first year of high school. I didn't want to date you and then after a while I did and when I asked you out we were both equally happy. I planned my whole schedule around you, I quit baseball for you. I stopped hanging out with some of my friends because you don't like them. You were my everything and then all of a sudden you never came back to school I thought maybe you were sick so I started to text you when I called you and emailed you I never got any replies so I asked Gabby where you were and she said that you were in LA so I thought maybe you were visiting a friend or family but I was mistaken!" Max says almost spitting with anger.

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