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5:09 Martinez Twins
8:07 lol he smelled the food before he decided to get it

"Ally, I've liked you the moment you walked through the restaurant and sat down with Jake. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have the world's most beautiful girl in the whole world as my best friend. But now I don't want you to be just my best friend but my girlfriend as well, I love you so much Ally. Will you please be my girlfriend?" I can see nothing but happiness in his eyes I mean how can I say no I've liked him since the day I first saw him, I mean I was that his brother was a cuter one but as they've grown up and I've grown up no definitely he is a cuter one. This is One of my biggest dreams come true of course I'm going to say yes.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, I've liked you since I first saw you as well. I love you to Cole." I'll tell him as I wrap my arms around him, he does the same but places his arms around my waist. We look into each others eyes and it's almost like it was only two people in the world I'd really thought this once before but let's not get into that right now.

Cole leans down closing his eyes, I rise up onto my tippy toes and close my eyes as well. Our lips meet sending a spark throughout my whole body I never believed when people would say that they kissed someone they would feel fireworks but now I understand.

In case you're wondering who my new boyfriend Cole is here are some hints, he was on the show The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody, The Suite Life On Deck , Big daddy, The Sweet Life movie and is currently in the show Riverdale he plays Jughead Jones. I think you have already guessed who, he is Cole Sprouse.

Since it's kind a rush let me tell you how Cole and I met.


"Ally, would you like come with me to The Grove to come meet a friend of mine?" Jake asks me grabbing his blog camera off of the kitchen island, I nod getting my purple earbuds and my phone off the couch.

On the way to The Grove Jake asks me if I saw the twins newest video when Ivan dyed Emilio's hair red/ orange. I tell him no because honestly I haven't watched any of their videos since the one where they faked kicking Tessa out. I mean I do give a thumbs up on them but I don't watch them it hurts watching the videos.

When Jake and I get to the restaurant that we are meeting his friend, in front of the restaurant there are a lot of screaming girls looking into the restaurant. I wonder who is in there, I know that Matthew Espinosa was here a couple days ago to do his book signing but i don't that he was still here.

You make her way through swarm of screaming girls win some guy with dark brown hair almost black tells the owner it's to open the door. Jake goes and sits with the guy while the owner tells me that he will bring some bread out soon for us before he comes over to get our orders. And I before heading over to the table where Jake and this pretty tall guy with dark black hair is sitting across from Jake.

I take a seat and look up to see who this guy is and I can't believe my eyes it's the one and only Cole Sprouse. I watched every single movie he has been in and every TV show I can't believe it I had the world's biggest crush on him and his brother Dylan for the longest time. I almost can't breathe it's like someone up all the wind out of me I can't believe it Cole Sprouse the actor who is in my new favorite show Riverdale who played Jughead Jones, I am sitting right across from. This is incredible.

Cole and I look into each others eyes and what feels like maybe hours is probably just seconds I can feel my heart skip a beat. It's like the whole will just stop and we were the only two people left I don't know what it is about cold but looking into his eyes I feel like I can just sit and talk with him for hours on end and we would never get bored of each other.

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