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The twins with the baby twins is just absolutely adorable #twingoals

Dedicated to Guitarplayer_13

Ivan's POV

Today all of Team 10 is meeting Emilio's girlfriend her name is Tori Ritchie. Emilio and Tori met when Emilio and I first came to the team 10 house.

Emilio said they met when he went to Starbucks and the cashier couldn't take his order because she did not know Spanish. So Tori translated to the cashier that Emilio wanted a vanilla bean frappe. Since then they have been talking off and on, he never really told me about her until now but what I've heard so far Tori is a really nice person I can't wait to meet her.

Right now Ally and I are cleaning up around Emilio and my bunk bed because Ally said it's a mess and it wouldn't look good for when Tori comes over. I pick up all of Emilio and my clothes and putting them in the hamper to take to the garage. Ally makes our beds and straightens up our shoes, and bags that we bought from Spain.

By the time we are done it doesn't even look like we live here anymore, it looks like some boarding school bedroom when you first open it, clean and overall just really neat. Ally hates to admit it but she's a clean freak. I've told her many times but she always disagrees with me.

I crawl on top of my bed but Ally yells at me to get off saying that I will chase wrinkles and then that will have defeated the purpose of her making the beds.

"So when are they going to be here so that we can plan it for going to go do something or not?" Ally asks as her phone buzzes as always she most likely got a text from her friend Ryan, who I'm not to fond of.

And no it's not because I'm jealous or anything because I'm really not, it's because Ryan isn't really I guess you would say a good guy. Don't get me wrong he's nice and everything it's just he's into drugs and alcohol and getting into trouble. Ally has been friends with him at since third grade so I don't really want to intervene in their friendship. He's a good guy I guess you could say because he doesn't make Ally do anything that she doesn't want to, he's never asked you to do drugs because he knows Ally doesn't do that but I just don't feel comfortable with her hanging around him.

"Emilio said that they would be here in 20 minutes that they just stopped by Jamba Juice and then bring us back two mango go go's." Ally nods looking up at me before smiling down at her phone. "What are you looking at?"

"Oh nothing just Ryan sent me this really funny meme from American Horror Story. Instead of the saying on Wednesdays we wear pink it says on Wednesdays we wear black. So it's kind of making fun of my favorite movie Mean Girls but I also love American Horror Story so it's just really funny."

I not just agreeing with her because I have never watch mean girls before and I have no idea what that phrase really means. The rest of the time that we wait for Emilio and Tori the rest of team 10 gets home and brings a lot of food with them. And I'm talking like a buffet there's food from McDonald's, Burger King, Rock 'n' Roll sushi, and King Taco. It honestly looks like the Rob these restaurants and took all their food with them is just crazy and how much food they brought.

Ally and I help set up the food when Emilio and Tori walk through the door. And I can totally see why Emilio likes her she's very pretty, she kind of looks like Emma Roberts but with dark brown hair. She's a little shorter then Emilio and I but taller than Ally.

"Hey everyone this is Tori, Tori this is everyone in Team 10. There is Nick, Tristan, Tessa, Jake and of course my twin brother Ivan and his girlfriend Ally. The Dobre twins aren't here because they are visiting family but they are coming back next month."

Tori smiles that all of us shaking our hands, she helped us set up the black Jake says the food train. Her, Ally and Tessa are getting along very well so far. They're talking about American horror story which is all their favorite TV show at the moment.

"So what's your opinion Evan peters only being on a couple episodes of Roanoke?" Ally asks and I know where this is headed, Evan Peters is the reason why she started watching American Horror Story. She was very upset that he wasn't in many of the episodes of the new season.

"Oh. Don't get me started that was clearly unfair that they didn't have them in all the episodes. The whole time that I was watching the season I was like where is Evan peters this isn't fair. But when he finally brought him back I was like oh my god finally this is where American horror story needs to be with Evan peters in the episodes." Tori says making Ally smile.

"You know Tori I think this is the beginning of a very beautiful friendship." Ally says smiling at her because now she knows that she's met a new friend that is obsessed with that horse story just like her.

"We're friends?" Tori asks biting her lip.

"Of course anyone who likes American horror story is my friend." Alley tells her that he takes out her phone probably get text Ryan again.

"Oh thank you for saying that, I was afraid that was in a come here no one was gonna like me thank you Ally."


The rest of the day goes on with all of us talking and getting to know Tori a lot more. And I have to say she's really cool she likes joking around and having a good time she's basically like Emilio and I. And I can see in her eyes that she truly does like Emilio and she's not just using him. I'm so glad that Amelia has found someone who truly likes him for him.

How do you guys like Emilio's new girlfriend Tori?

Should I bring Ally's friend Ryan up into a chapter?

Goal for the next update 12 votes and 12 comments (no commenting more than twice spelling out the word comment or any other word)

If you guys would like to read another Martinez Twin fan-fiction I have a new story called (Dating Ivan Martinez) it's not with Ally, it has a new girl named Ariel and how she came to meet Ivan and date Ivan.

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