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Omg Emilio got so mad 😂

Ivan's POV

Allie looks up at me with an extremely shocked expression I can't tell if she's happy to see me or disappointed. Everyone in team 10 hugs and tells Emilio and I that they messed us while we were in Spain for a little longer than a week. A hug everyone and tell them I miss them as well but all my attention is an Ally and the guy standing next to her. He looks like the kid who played Cody on the suite life of Zack and Cody. I want to who he is if he is a friend of Ally or more I really hope he's just a friend.

"Hey Ivan how was your time in Spain?" Ally asks hugging me then going back over to the guy with obviously dyed black hair.

"It was nice seeing my mom again and all my friends. What about you how have you been this past week." I ask try my hardest not to scream out who is the guy next to him what he is doing here.

"My week has been fun than hanging out with my boyfriend Cole lately." Cole hmmmm I know that name.

"Are you Cole Sprouse?" I ask looking at the guy, he nod nods sending his hand out for me to shake and shake his hand back with a take grip, he looks at me with the worried expression and that's fine by me I want him to know that he should be worried.

Everyone in Team 10 sets down and it's pizza cake and have some soda. I get to know a lot about Cole and how he and Ally met. I have to say they're cute couple but Ally and I would make an even cuter couple.


Emilio, Ally, Cole, Chad Tessa, Tristan and I are all watching a movie called The Orphanage. It's a Spanish scary movie about a lady who grew up in orphanage then later on buys the orphanage later on and turns it into a house, son goes missing and she has to find out what happened to all the kids in the orphanage that died in order to get her son back. I'm just glad it's in Spanish with English subtitles at the bottom for everyone else because most movies at Emilio and I watch are all in English and we have to put subtitles.

About halfway through the movie Cole and Ally disappear up into her room, I don't know what it is but something inside me tells me to go up there and see what they're doing I don't want to see what they're doing because you never know what you will see if you follow a guy and girl  up to a room what's going to happen. But I can't fight the urge, I have to go see what they're doing.

I wait a couple minutes after they leave so I just wanted to suspicious that I'm following them, I got to alleys room and of course the doors closed so I do the only thing I know what to do. I  go back downstairs grab an empty glass go back up toward alleys room and put the glass between my ear and the door so I can get a better listener as to what they're saying or doing.

"Ally I don't think that Ivan really likes me at all. He kind of give me a vibe that he doesn't at all. Is it something I did that I could maybe apologize for? What can I do to make you not hate me?" Cole says sounding upset, I truly don't understand why you'd be upset that I don't like him yeah even know me for more than seven hours.

"I'm not sure why he doesn't like you but if you want I can ask him later on tonight why." Ally says before letting out a sigh.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to say if Ally asks me why I don't like Cole. I mean what am I going to say, "yeah I don't like your boyfriend because well he's your boyfriend and I think I should be a boyfriend because I like you no scratch that I love you. I mean I know I don't remember you from the past year but I feel this connection between you and I that is extremely strong like something is pulling us together like the world is telling us that we should be together so please dump your boyfriend and beat me." Yeah I don't know what sound too good so I'm not gonna tell that to Ally.

"Thanks Ally your the best,  well why don't we go and finish the rest of the movie before they think that we eloped to Mexico." Cole says laughing, I quickly and quietly rush down back to the living room and sit down next to Emilio.

"Ivan what are you doing with an empty glass?" Tristan asks pointing to the empty glass in my hand. Dang I fidnt even set the water glass down in the kitchen how do I explain myself? I come back to living with an empty one plus I doesn't show any sign of that was even a liquid inside of the glass.

"Oh I....." Ally comes back downstairs with Cole, they are holding hands and I hate to say it but they look so in love and it makes me so mad!

"Calm down bro... they are dating remember." Emilio says quietly in my ear. I don't care if they are dating that's reality and I holding hands actually Allie and I sitting on the couch watching movies together should be an alley and I sharing a Pepsi it should be early night everything.

I can't stand it I don't care if they are dating, I don't care about anything right now.  I just....I can't stand to look and watch the girl of my dreams with another guy. Cole might as well have ripped my heart out stomped on it and then placed it back as if nothing happened this feeling inside my chest is the worst pain I've ever felt. I want to do is go up to the room I should I would chance Anthony and Emilio and sleep and wake up another small all a dream and that I am dating Ally. Allie and I are together like we're supposed to be and she's not with that Hollywood brainwashed guy Cole.

I go to my room ignoring everybody calling me I don't care then missing movie I don't care that was supposed to go to the Grove later I just want to go in my room and not think about Ally dating someone that isn't me.

I know was that late at night but I just want to go to sleep, and strip out of my clothes and head to Jake's room to shower. As the cold water runs down my back loosening my tense muscles, seeing Ally with Cole together, hurts like nothing I've ever felt before, is a heartbreak I do t know what it is I just know it hurts. I got out of the shower and get dressed into gym shorts and head back to my room. I look at my phone case realizing that it's broken so I might as will just exchange it out for one of the many I have in my closet, I hop off the case and pick up the case that is on my shelf. I flip it over so I can see which one it is and when I see it everything comes back to me.

Oh my memories from the year that I couldn't remember before but all coming back to me now I remember when Ally and I met I have her asking her out and not knowing almost any English but we still had a great time. I remember going to the beach with her and she got me funnel cake and I didn't like it so spit it out, Amber all the trips that we took to Disneyland and Universal Studios, the days that we spent watching TV together. I remember everything. I remember everything that we ever did, how can I forget that I was dating the girl of my dreams for a year. I don't know and I don't know when but I have to get Ally back at all costs.

So sadly this book is coming to an end very soon but don't worry I am making a second book it's going to be called little Martinez.

If you would like the next chapter to be dedicated to you you have to find the quote from the outsiders movie. The first person that  finds it please comment it , and the next chapter will be dedicated to you.
I'm so sorry this chapter is terrible.

So Ivan got his memory back finally.

Will Ivan get Ally back?

Dating one of the Martinez TwinsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat