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Dedicated to KiarraBelle for the chapter idea

Ivan's POV

Yesterday Jake took Tessa and Erica to an animal shelter to look at dogs. They're really cute one that leave them with yet thinking of getting but we're not quite sure yet and also Ally is allergic to dogs. Not bad as in she has to go to the hospital but enough to make her sneeze and cough constantly.

Ally really wants a dog but Nick said that we shouldn't get one because we wouldn't want to trigger Ally's allergies at all. And when I say that Ally has been begging for a dog I mean begging constantly all the time because everyone in Team 10 wants the dog.

I know this is possibly going to be a no but I have to ask Nick if we can get the dog that everyone wants maybe I can convince him because Ally already told me she will take allergy pills so she won't sneeze or cough.

Nick just received his merch today so hopefully he's in a good mood and he will say yes to this dog.

"Nick can you please just think one more time about this dog everyone in Team 10 wants one, and Ally already said that she would take allergy pills so she wouldn't sneeze or cough I promise that you will never have to clean up after the dog, all of Team 10 will do it, I swear." Before Nick can say yes or no everyone in Team 10 comes in the office but Ally.

Ally is shopping with Erica for a beach outfit for tomorrow. They left early this morning and it's already five so they should be home soon.

"What are you talking about?" Tessa asks sitting in the chair by Nick, she messed with his hair n he tries to avoid it but fails as always. They have such a great friendship.

"Ivan here is trying to convince me that we should get that little dog that you guys also the shelter couple days ago. But remember Ally is allergic to dogs so she doesn't take her allergy pills will be sneezing coughing all day was that she sick do you guys really want this dog?" Nick is basically saying that we can have the dog, I'm so excited Ally will be so happy. "And I'm not gonna take care of the dog you guys will have to."

Everyone nods agreeing to taking care of the dog and that we will remind Ally to take her allergy pill everyday before we let the dog in.

"Okay you guys get the dog," everyone screams true that we can get the dog Jake pulled out his camera and starts filming. "So are you guys going to wait for Ally and Erica to come home or do you guys want to be a surprise?" Everyone turns to me, I tell them we should go and get the dog now so we can surprise Ally when she gets home.

Nick and Jake drive all of us to the animal shelter and likely the dog that we all wanted still here. Nick and Jake pay for the dog and all of its supplies that we're going to need for when we bring it home. I honestly cannot wait to see the look on Ally's face when she sees the dog. It's probably not the best time to be thinking about this but the minute the dog comes in he's me sneezing coughing like crazy.

"So guys what are your name the dog should we all just decided name or should we put names in a hat and pick up the name." Emilio asks petting the little black dog, I can tell Emilio really likes the dog.

"I think we should come up with names and see which one we all like the most." Nick says turning the radio down, we all agree saying that that's the best option.

My phone buzzes telling me that I have a text most likely from Ally since we are text each other all the time even if we are in the other room or right next to each other. Everyone in Team 10 says it's weird but Tori, Emilio's girlfriend. Tori says it's really cute that we can just text each other about anything and everything, she once said we are OTP.

Ally texted me that her and Erica just got home and brought pizza home for everyone. I text her back telling her we will be home in five minutes.

I can't wait for her to see the dog she's going to be so thrilled.  We talk about the dog and where it's going to sleep since we bought it a doggie bed but not a dog house for outside. We pull up to the house Emilio handing me the dog while everyone else grabs the dogs items.

I open the door with everyone behind me, I place the small dog on the floor watching it run into the kitchen where Ally and Erica are. Ally looks down seeding the little black dog petting its little head. Erica pets the dog as well causing it to lick her hand. We all walk in watching Ally play with the small dog.

But of course a few seconds later Ally sneezes still petting the dog, everyone plays with the dog and setting everything up while I head to Ally's room grabbing her allergy medicine.

"Ally, you should thank Ivan. He's the one that convinced Nick to say yes to the dog. And we haven't chosen a name yet because we are all going to come up with names and decide what name we all like the most." Jake says giving her a hug and recording everyone playing with the dog for his next blog, because as Jake says," It's every day bro."

"Ivan, thank you so much you are the best boyfriend ever." I smile hugging her tightly.

"I would do anything for you Ally, you deserve everything that you want because you are so special to me." I tell her pecking her lips, everyone awww's causing Ally to blush and hide her face in my chest. I hand her, her allergy medicine so she will stop sneezing and coughing in a couple minutes.

"Oh and thank you so much for saying yes to the dog Nick." Ally says picking up the dog and hugging Nick.

"No problem Ally I know that you really wanted the dog."

We spend the rest of the night playing with our new member of Team 10, playing with some small toys Kayde bought for it.

What gender should the dog be and the name. Comment what you think it should be.

To have a chapter dedicated to you comment the words (Team 10)

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