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Sorry for not updating I was really busy, I had to go to graduation ceremonies/parties/dinners, three grad nights. Then I found a 1 month old kitten in my ground yard all alone so Ive been busy taking care of her. Then my dog died yesterday.

But on a happy note Team 10 made a song, and it's lit!!!! Then the twins were on tv yesterday!! Did anyone watch them on tv?

Ivan's Pov

I think I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Ever since I accidentally announced that I have my memory back Emilio hasn't talked to me and Ally can't even look into my eyes anymore without betrayal in her eyes.

I hate the fact that I hurt both Ally and Emilio so much, I wish I could go back and tell Team 10 when I got my memory back. If I had Emilio and Ally wouldn't be upset with me. I have hurt them both in the way that I never meant to ever in my life.

"Hey Ally do you want to go watch the new Wonder Woman movie?" Emilio asks sitting down by Ally at the kitchen island table.

Ever since they found out that I lied to them Emilio and Ally have been hanging out a lot lately. They go to The Grove a lot and go for walks around LA all the time without even telling people I guess it's their way of coping that's what Tessa said with the fact that I hurt them both.

I know them hanging out together doesn't mean anything because they don't like each other but it really hurts that they both want talk to me. Most of the of Team 10 and Martinez Twins fans think that Emilio and Ally are dating and Ally broke up with me. Ally and I are still dating but since Ally won't talk to me that much it's like we are just two people living in the same house.

Ally doesn't like super heroes good guys in general she's more of a villain person like that movie Suicide Squad because their aren't any superhero' till the end kind of.

"I'll buy you all the gummy bears that you want." Ally thinks about looking almost convinced, "I'll ask for a cup and full it only with ice so you can't put the bag of gummy bears in it so they get cold." Ally nods, hugging Emilio. You see Ally loves and I mean loves, loves gummy bears especially if they are frozen or really cold.

"The movie starts in forty minutes, it takes us seven minutes to drive with traffic so we can grab something to eat on the way there or just walk around The Grove till the movie starts." Ally nods grabbing Emilio's hand walking past me out the door to The Grove.

"Ivan, it's okay Ally and Emilio will soon talk to you, Emilio is your brother. Your twin at that you to have a special bond that not many people have. As for Ally, Ally loves you with all her heart. Everything will be okay in the end." I smile knowing that Tessa is right.

"Thank you Tessa, I really needed that." We hug before Jake comes down telling us about RiceGum and Alissa Violet.

"So apparently Alissa and RiceGum's diss track to our song It's Everyday Bro is coming out today."

Yea I saw the video, all of Team 10 did, Ally loved watching RiceGum's videos then she watched the video with Alissa and showed us all the video. Ally said it's not fair that Alissa made fun of everyone in Team 10 even though her beef is only with Jake and a little with Tessa. Alissa Violet sent a text to Ally saying that it's a good thing that Ally didn't want to be in the music video because Alissa doesn't want to diss Ally because they are good friends. Ally never responded to the text, she blocked Alissa before deleting all of the old pictures on her Instagram of her and Alissa.

When we all watched the video Ally had said that if Team 10 didn't want Tessa in we would have kicked her out when Alissa was kicked out, and that it wasn't right of Alissa to laughter at Chance and Emilio
and I when we rapped, but what Ally pointed out that Alissa didn't diss Nick on his rap because he is the CEO of Team 10 so he is in Team 10.

"Are we going to react to it?" Tessa asks running her hand through her hair.

"No, we aren't because we are all mature enough not. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Tessa and I say together.


3 hours later

Ally and Emilio came back twenty minutes ago and Ally is really mad, I'm talking when someone diss's your favourite YouTuber(s).

"How could she do that! I didn't do or say anything to her! For her to say that to me is completely uncalled for!"

Ally says cracking her fingers a habit that she does whenever she's mad or nerves.

"Ally, what happened? Who said something to you?" Nick asks taking Ally's hand takin her to the Team 10 office. Everyone in Team 10 follows them into the office. Jake and Tessa sit by Nick and Aly while Emilio and I sit on the huge table, Ally explains to everyone what happened but she whispers it. I look toward Emilio and he jumps off the table silently telling me to follow him.

"What happened?"

"When we were leaving the movie theater I told Ally I had to go to the restroom so she waited for me and according ran into Alissa and she told Ally that the second you and Ally break up for good Ally will be kicked out of Team 10 just like her. And that you two dating isn't real that it's all for views that you guys do t really love each other. By the time I got up to them Alissa said you can always come live with me, then Ally said, "Let me educated you and I ain't talking book, Panera is your home so stop calling my phone." Then Alissa left saying that her and Ally would never be friends again." How could Alissa do that to Ally! Ally never did or said anything to Alissa ever, what she did was completely uncalled for! As for saying that Ally and I don't love each other is a complete lie Ally and I love each other so much I can't even explain it. And about kicking Ally out, we would never! Ally deserves just as much as anyone to be in Team 10!

I storm into the office grabbing Ally, kissing her, Ally kisses me back hugging me.

"That was spontaneous." Ally says kissing me again.

"With you Ally, I'm always spontaneous. Lol what Alissa said to you was completely uncalled for. About us not loving each other, if someone asks me to write what I love about you in a book, that book would never ever end. About kicking you out if we break up is a lie, I wouldn't want you kicked just because we broke up. And you deserve just as much as all of us to be in Team 10. I love you Ally."

"I love you too Ivan more than you will ever know." We kiss again before hugging each other.

P.S I'm watch Bizaardvark right now.

Qotc (question of the chapter) What's your favourite part of Its Everyday Bro?

Who ever finds Tessa's part of the song gets to have the next chapter dedicated to them. Comment it when you find it.

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