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Check out zaynqueen123 new book Martinez Twins (Team 10 spanking fan fic)

Ivan's POV

Okay I have four hoodies, two pairs of sweatpants, two long sleeve shirts, two muscle shirts, two beanies and two pairs of gloves I think I'm ready for the camping trip now.

Erika announced yesterday that we should all go on a camping trip to get to know each other a lot better on a 'deeper' level. Not just the normal what is your favorite kind of food as in what are you scared of, where we want to be in 20 years. Are any of us gonna move out of California, are we going to go to college what is our dream job. Such things like that. And honestly I can't wait to go I've never been camping but I asked Ally since she used to go all the time with her parents and she said it's a lot of fun depending on where you go.

We are going up to a camp slash star party up in the mountains and it's snowing right now so everyone is packed with sweaters and sweatshirts, Erica said not to bring any merch because she just wants this to be a fun vacation no plugging or anything like that she doesn't want people to see our merch be like oh my god it's Team 10 she just wants it to be fun and casual.

"Are you ready everyone is getting their stuff in the van." Emilio says walking into our room getting the last of his stuff.

"Yeah I'll be ready in a minute I just need to get a blanket for Ally, you know since she absolutely hates being cold." Emilio nods, helping me with my stuff, we get to the van and it's so packed there's luggage from the floor all the way to the ceiling of it you can't even see out the back window it's crazy we go outside it's like write a bus technically we kind of are with all the people but I can talk gonna be a lot of fun.

"Okay is everyone 100% packed and ready to go because once we get there freeway and on the mountains there's no turning back." Erika says turning the radio off. We all nod telling her yes so that way we can get on the road toward the camp/ star party. "OK and I have one more rule and everyone has to go by it even Jake and I. So the people in this van that are dating or married there will be no kissing no showing affection of any kind that has to do with people being married or dating this is just gonna be a fun friends trip. Is that okay?" We all nod again before Jake started the van.

"Hey Ally do you know what a star party is?" I ask tapping Ally since she's sitting in the seat in front of me.

"A star party is when it's a nice clear night and people from all over go up into the mountains in an area that is meant for either star parties or camps that are off and when it becomes night time they get the telescopes and look up at the stars all night and it's really fun.  I went to a couple with my parents before I join team 10." Ally tells me, everyone nods. I guess I'm not the only one who did not know what a star party was.

"All right everyone we have about two hours or maybe a little bit more until we get to the camping area so why don't we play a game of line game." Tessa says putting her phone down, no one looks at each other except for Ally because she knows what the line game is.

"What's the line game?" Justin asks for everyone.

"The lying game is when you pick up line from a movie that everybody has seen for example "its time for school start for school" that line is from finding Nemo so we say the line at everybody has to guess what movie it's from."

"Let's play, how about we go by the order of where we are sitting that way everyone gets an even amount of turns." Jake says turning into the freeway.

We all nod, Jake starts then Erika, Nick, Kade, Ray, Tessa, Ally, Anthony, Emilio, me, Chance, Chad, Nathan, Tristan and Justin. We play the game all the way to the camp and it's so much everyone had some really good lines from movies. Some of them Emilio and I didn't know but a lot of the lines people would never remember from the movie were really good everyone was having such a great time.

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