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Dedicated to the girl from Instagram who reads my story on here. Thanks for your nice comment it made my day.

I know the twins aren't back from Barcelona yet for this prank but let's just pretend.

It's been a couple weeks since Ally was kidnapped by her ex boyfriend Max and his friends. Since Ally was kidnapped and we got her back things around the Team 10 house have been different. We changed the Team 10 house one because we already were going to and to get as far away as we could for Max and his friends,  we can't risk them kidnapping Ally again. We can't and won't risk Max and his friends getting Ally again.

Jake and Nick hired 15 more security guards in and around the Team 10 house. If any members of the Team 10 leave the house we cannot leave without two bodyguards or have three or more members of Team 10 with us. But those are just some of the changes that have happened the real change is Ally.

Ally isn't the same anymore she scared of everything and anything whenever somebody comes to give her a hug or taps on her shoulder she jumps terrified that Max or his friends are going to come after her again. Seeing the fear in Ally's eyes whenever someone hugs or touches her even me really hurts because I wasn't there to protect her when she was taken. If I had just gone with her to just run errands she wouldn't have been gone.

- 2 hours later

"Hey guys, I'm going to Logan's house to prank him that his bird Maverick died does anyone want to go with me?" Jake's asks/ signing as Megan hands his a fake parrot that looks kind of like Maverick.

Since Ally can't hear anymore everyone in Team 10 has been taking ASL/ American Sign Language. Everyone so far is doing really well with learning it but not Ally, she doesn't like it because she get frustrated that she can't hear us anymore.

"No thanks, Ally and I are going to stay home any watch Glee." Jake nods grabbing his keys to take Bloodshark aka his Tesla out of the garage.

"Ally, want to go watch Glee in your room or in Emilio and my room." I sign and say because Ally is trying to read lips.

"We can go to my room, I'm on season 2 episode 19 I thinks it's called rumors. Can you put the subtitles on for me, I'll get the popcorn and two cans of Pepsi." I nod going to Ally's room turning on Netflix, I go through Ally's recently watched searching for Glee, once I find it I put Glee on, then turning the subtitles. Ally walks in few minutes later with some snacks and our drinks. We get comfortable on her bed curling up next to each other with our dog Ivally laying next to us on a small blanket we bought just for Ivally.

After a couple episodes Ivally and Ally are both asleep. I fee my eyes growing heavy as well but this sight of Ally and a Ivally asleep is adorable. I take my phone out taking a picture of them posting it if Instagram. My caption is "My two amazing savages asleep 💜" I tag Ally and Ivally in the picture. I put my phone on one of Ally's nightstands before I fall asleep.

- 5 hours later

When Ally and I wake up it's almost 10:30 pm, we wake up hungry so we head downstairs to make ourselves some food. We make ourselves some macaroni n cheese and grab some Peace Tea. We sit at the kitchen island looking through our Instagram accounts. Ally sees the picture I tagged her and a Ivally in, she smiles kissing my cheek.

"Ally, I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a trip with me before Emilio and I go to Gocamp17?"

"Of course, where would we be going and when?"

"We are going to....."

"Hello Team 10!" Logan yells through a megaphone, it's so loud I swear people on China can hear it. "What's poppin!"

"Oh my god that is so loud Logan." Ally says before turning to me smiling. "I can hear, I can hear again!" Ally says hugging me, crying into my shoulder.

"Hey Logan what's up man, you didn't tell me you were coming over." Jake says bro hugging Logan.

"Well I just came over to show you some of the new Logang-Pauler merch."

"Nice bro, but why is Ally crying Ivan?"

"Logan came in with the megaphone and now Ally can hear! Ally can hear!" I say as Ally goes to Logan hugging him.

"Thank you so much Logan. Thank you for yelling into the megaphone."

"No problem Ally, it's what I do." Logan says hugging Ally. Everyone in Team 10 comes downstairs with Apollo, Team 10's new dog.

"Hey Logan, are you good bro?" Tessa asks placing Apollo on the ground.

"Yes, I am but now even better now that because I yelled into my trusty megaphone and now Ally can hear." Everyone looks from Logan to Ally,

"I can hear now and it's all thanks to Logan."

"Thanks Logan, if we knew that we just had to yell loudly into a megaphone we would have. You can come back anytime with that thing and yell. Nick says causing us all to laugh.

- 4 am

"Ivan, so where is the trip that we are going to before Gocamp17?" Ally asks as I press play on the next episode of Glee.

"I would like to take you to Hawaii, and we will be leaving in 6 hours so we should be at the jet by 9:45." Ally smiles hugging me.

"Oh my gosh I can't wait. Wait did you already pack?." I nod pointing to my suitcase. "Wait did you say jet?"

"Yea, I asked Jake if I could borrow the jet and he said yes."

"I'm going to go pack thank you so much Ivan. I love you so much you don't even know." Ally says starting to pack.

Little does Ally know that in Hawaii I have a huge surprise for her.

What do you guys think the surprise in Hawaii Ivan has for Ally is going to be?

And oh my god I can't believe I'm going to be meeting the twins at Gocamp17 in a couple days! I'm so excited!

2 chapters left.

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