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Ivan's POV

Lately Ally has been obsessed with the show Bates Motel. She watches it at least two to three times a day. I tried watching it with her but it's very dark. A mother and son killers that's odd.

So since she knows that the Bates Motel is based off of the movie psycho and she loves universal studios I'm going to take her there today.

She doesn't know this because I haven't told her or anyone else in the Team 10 house because I wanted it to be a surprise but I got my license yesterday.

So now I can actually drive us places instead of Ally always having to drive us. I go upstairs to Ally'a room and as I thought she sitting at her desk watching Bates Motel on her iPad.

"Hey Ally, I got tickets to Universal Studios do you want to go today?" Ali turned around in her chair and nodding.

"Yeah sure let me get ready first I know where my harry potter sweater that says I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." She says going through her closet and picking out the sweater I got it for her on Christmas because all she asked for was anything Harry Potter.

Once she's ready I go back downstairs to put on my shoes. And now here's a big surprise I'm going to take her out to the my car I bought it last night when everyone was asleep. I went out with Emilio go get it, he thinks it's for both of us to drive which it kind of is but I'm gonna say that's my car.

"Oh my God Ivan, who's car is this?" Ally asked looking at the blue Altima in the driveway. I show her my keys and she smiles hugging me. "Oh my God it's yours what? You can drive? When did you get your drivers license? Who taught you?"

"Yes, this is my car, yes I can drive, I got my drivers license yesterday, and Tristan taught me."

"Oh my God I can't believe it well let's take this baby out for a spin and go to Universal Studios." Allie says hopping into the passenger side of the car.

On the way we jam out to Falling in Reverse, Social Repose, Johnny Gilbert and Jordan Sweeto.

Once we find a parking spot we all run to the front entrance give them our tickets and of course take selfie's in front of the universal sphere ball thing.

You walk down the little shops and shop for a little bit I get some sweaters, a box of shoes. Ally gets a couple necklaces, a hat and then we finally get to the rides.

Since we're here so Ally can ride the tram, since she's never been on it, that's the first thing we go to. We get on the tram seeing Jaws, King Kong, Fast and the furious, the set up to War of the world, then finally Psycho.

Ally looks at me smiling now knowing why we came here. So she could see the house the house and motel that her favorite show is based off of.

The rest of our time at Universal Studios we go on the Minions ride, Shrek the The Simpsons, Jurassic Park, and of course because its Ally's favorite ride the whole park the Harry Potter castle ride. The last ride of the night we decided to go on the mummy since the last time can we never went on it so we went on and it was amazing we almost thought you flipped but we really didn't it was fun.

On our way out of universal we come across this actor that was on nickelodeon I guess that Ally used to watch as a kid this guy named Drake Bell. He was on the show Drake and Josh and Ally spotted him in the Starbucks ran up to him and she took a picture and told him how much she loved his music and the show that he was on.

Once we finally leave Universal Studios Allie and I decide to head home for the night since it's about nine thirty. The car ride home is very quiet because Ally fell sleep and I really did not want to wake her up just because I couldn't sleep.

I recall today's events and I'm glad that Ally and I could go and see the the house that her favorite show is based on. I think if it weren't for Ally I probably wouldn't go anywhere that is probably fine without of course my brother.

I'm so glad Jake and Tristan brought Emilio and I to the beach that day. If you want for them I would've never met Ally. I never would've met the world's most perfect girlfriend but most of all I would've never met the love of my life.

Goal for the next update on Monday. 9 votes & 9 comments

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