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That small Temilio kiss

Dedicated to the world's most amazing person ever my best friend gabri_page for the amazing chapter idea

Ivan's POV

Lately Ally has been missing her best friend Gabby, they haven't seen each other in nine months. Gabby has been busy in college and Ally and Team 10 have been busy as well.

I texted Gabby and asked her when her college is going on break and she told me that she today is her last day. I asked her what time she gets out, she gets out at two so I asked if she wanted to spend sometime here at the Team 10 house to spend time with Ally. Gabby said that sh would love to, she's coming over in three hours. I tell her not to tell Ally because I want her coming over to be a surprise.

After I finish talking with Gabby I walk outside seeing everyone play with Ivally, she's currently playing with her pink bow-bow. It's the cutest thing ever because she's a small Yorkie puppy and her toy is three times the size as her. Earlier Emilio and Ally were bouncing her tennis ball and Ivally would pretend to take the ball to one of them then take it to Nick. Ivally truly is a savage, I've never been so proud.


"Is anyone hungry? I was thinking of ordering some pizza for lunch." Jake says walking into the kitchen. Everyone nods telling Jake what they want on their pizza. I look at my phone seeing it's five already and Gabby isn't here yet.

"Ivan, why do you keep looking at your phone every ten seconds. The only person that you text that much is Ally and her phone is laying on the counter." Kayde asks leaning over to look at my phone, I quickly turn it off not wanting Kayde to see that I'm texting Gabby. Then he might ask why I'm texting Gabby and then Ally will ask, then my plan to surprise Ally will be ruined.

"Oh nothing just texting my mom, she just wanted to know how Emilio's toe is since she saw the video of our epic Jenga fail on Jake's YouTube channel. "She wanted to know if Emilio is really okay since Emilio always says he's okay."

"Okay well tell h....." A knock cuts Kayde off from what he was saying, I quickly get out of my seat opening the door seeing Gabby.

"Hi Ivan." Gabby says giving me a hug, I hug her back taking her bags.

"Ivan, who is at the... Gabby!" Ally says seeing Gabby and then running to her, they hug and talk about how much the miss each other and how it's been way too long since they have hung out. They talking awful lot for two friends that FaceTime each other every other day.

"Gabby why didn't you tell me you were coming over, if I had known I would've planned some fun stuff for us to do or something." Gabby looks at me and then toward Ally. Ally takes the hit and looks at me smiling. "Ivan, you plan this?" I nod smiling at her because she's so happy. "Thank you so much Ivan, your the best." Ally says kissing my cheek.

"Anything for you Ally and also Gabby is going to be spending a couple nights here so you guys can hang out."

"Did you already tell Jake and Nick?" I nod, I asked them yesterday and they said that it's fine because Gabby is chill.

"Hey Gabby want some pizza?" Emilio asks handing Gabby a plate with two slices on it. Gabby takes the pizza and follows up to the table.

"Hey!" Everyone says smiling at Gabby, Gabby has been here a couple times and it's always fun, when Gabby first came to visit Ally she was really shy but now she isn't shy anymore.


"Ivan, want to come with Gabby and I to Victoria Gardens?" Is that a restaurant of a mall? "Ivan it's a mall it's basically The Grove but instead of it being in Los Angeles it's where I used to live. It's about forty five minutes away." I want to but I want Ally and Gabby to hang out and even though I love when fans say "hi" to me I don't want the whole time they are there to have to constantly stop and wait for me to be done taking pictures.

"No, it's okay. I'm really busy and Emilio and I have to make a YouTube video for tomorrow. But how about tomorrow Emilio and I film a video with you two. We could do the best friend vs. boyfriend challenge to see who knows Ally best." Ally looks to Gabby asking if she is okay with being in a video, because just like what happened with Ally fans will recognize Gabby and asks for pictures with her.

"Yea, that's sounds like a lot of fun," I nod waving by as they walk outside. I close the door behind them before jumping into the couch where Tessa and Ivally are currently sleeping.

"Hey where is Ally and Gabby?" Tessa asks rubbing some sleep out of her eyes.

"They went to Victoria Gardens which is basically The Grove but around the area where Ally used to live." Tessa nods yawning, placing Ivally down on my lap.

"So why didn't you do with them? Did they not invite you?"

"No they did. It's just I didn't want the whole time they were there for them having to stop because fans want to take pictures. I want them to go and have fun since they haven't hung out in eight months." Tessa nods smiling at me.

"Well since they are out shopping why don't we go swimming?" That sounds like fun so why not?

"Yea, just let me go get Emilio and we will meet you outside in ten." Tessa nods getting up, walking to her room to get ready.

"Hey Emilio want to go swimming with Tessa and I?" Emilio nods walking outside to get his swim trunks.


"So before we end this video we want to ask you all a question, so today Ally is hanging out with her friend and Emilio and I were wondering if you guys want us to make the video called Best friend vs. Boyfriend. Comment below what you all think and don't forget to like and subscribe. And today's notification shout out goes to Nancy Martinez from Los Angeles. Bye." I say into the camera before Emilio goes to turn it off.

Today has been fun but really lonely because Ally has been gone all day and will be until tomorrow night. Gabby and her decided to go to Disneyland then to her aunts house because she lives by the beach.

I really miss Ally.

Should the next chapter be on the best friend vs boyfriend challenge?

If you have any ideas for the story please message me. If I use your story idea the chapter will be dedicated to you.

Goal for next update 14 votes & 14 comments.

Dating one of the Martinez TwinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon