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I got my Savage hoodie yesterday

I can't believe it Ivan and I are going on Jake's jet to Hawaii.  I haven't been to Hawaii since I was 12 or 13 I can't wait to go on the was I want to going on but when I went to Maui it was so much fun with the Blacksand beach I went snorkeling went to a luau it's going to be so much fun I can't wait I can't contain my excitement right now.

"Ally ready to go the jet will be landing soon and we should be there 15 minutes early." Ivan says wrapping his arms around my waist. Ivan is honestly the best boyfriend ever, he surprises me for no reason just because he wants to, I couldn't ask for a sweeter, kinder, smart, loving, generous, boyfriend if I wanted to.

"Yea, I just need to grab my DVD's of Glee so I can watch them on the way to Hawaii, since it's around an 8 hour flight, and I'm only on season 4 of Glee, I really need to catch up."

"You really love that show don't you? Or is it that you live Chord Overstreet?" Ivan asks raising one of his eyebrows, He knows that I love Chord Overstreet ever since I saw him in the movie The Hole.

"Well I do like the show but Chord makes it even better, and he is really handsome."

Ivan frowns giving mepuppy dog eyes. "Is he better looking them me?" I smile at him because I know he's messing around.

"Of course your better looking than Chord, to me there is no other guy in the world that is as handsome as you." Ivan smiles kissing the top of my head.

"You know you are the world's best girlfriend."

"Well is not so sure of that since I don't have one of those little trophies or a mug that says I am." I say smiling up at him, god I love him so much.

"If they have any in Hawaii, I'll buy you all of them so no other boyfriend/ girlfriend can buy one for theirs."

"Oh how I can't wait. Let's go to the jet." I nod as Ivan grabs my Glee DVDs. "I'll place these in my bag because I'm pretty sure there isn't anymore room in yours." I nod giving Ivan my DVDs, because I have this tendency to over pack but I only bring an extra three days of clothes because you never know.

Tessa drives Ivan and I to the private jet so that way we don't have to drive and then Jake and Chance or any of the other Team 10 members have to drive over back to the private jet pick up the car and leave that way it's only one trip.

"Well I hope you two have an amazing time in Hawaii, and Ally don't forget to send me lots of pictures." Tessa says hugging me as Ivan and I get out of her car.

"Don't worry I won't, I'm going to miss you while we're gone."

"I'm going to miss you so much too. Have a great time." I nod grabbing my suitcase as Tessa and Ivan hugs, we wave bye to Tessa as she leaves the platform as the jet arrives.

"Are you ready to have an amazing time in Hawaii." Ivan asks kissing me as we get on the jet.

"I'm more than ready, I can't wait to get there and go swimming it's going to be a blast." I say placing my Glee season 4 DVD as the jet assistant talks to Ivan, I'm not sure what they are saying because they are whispering but whatever.

"Alright Ivan and Ally we will be leaving for Hawaii in ten minutes so please use the bathroom before we leave and put your seat belts on. You may take off your seatbelt when this yellow seat belt sign blinks three times. If you need anything after this sign blinks feel free to to tell any if the three assistants." The lady Mary says as she hangs the telephone speaker off.

"So what would you like to do she we get to Hawaii besides check into our hotel?" Ivan asks putting his seat belt on.

"Which island are we going to?"

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