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Their song is out!!!!
Please don't hate me.

My heart is pounding so loud I think people all over the world can here it. For a month I have been planning to ask Ally to someday marry me. I know that we are to young to be married but I want Ally to know that I plan on someday marrying her.

I want to wake up everyday next to Ally, I want to change Ally's last name to Martinez. I want to wake up in a couple years to the sound of little feet padding on the floor of our house.

I look up at Ally, she's wiping rears from her eyes. Ally stretches out her hand toward the small black velvet box that holds her promise ring, but she's doesn't grab the promise ring. Ally closes the box, pushing my arms back toward me gently.

"I'm sorry Ivan, I can't say yes. I'm not ready to commit to being with someone for the rest of my life. I know this isn't an engagement ring but it's close and I can't, I'm so sorry." Ally says kissing my cheek. "I think it's best for now that we take a break. I'll be at the hotel if you need me." Ally says walking away into the crowd of people.

My feel my heart break literally, I feel like someone just grabbed my heart and torn it into a thousand small pieces and then through them all over in different places so that way I can't ever fix it.

"Mi'jo I'm so sorry," my mom says hugging me, I can't help but cry into her shoulder. Ally is the love of my life and she rejected me. "It's okay mi'jo, everything will be okay I promise." Mom says kissing my forehead, mom lets go of me and everyone in Team 10 and my sister Rebecca hugs me.

I walk with Team 10 and my family to the hotel that they are staying at. I asked everyone to come down to England so that they could help me surprise all with the promise ring but now I guess Ally and I will be in England doing different things instead of being together.

I guess I should call and tell Harry Styles manager that Ally and I will not be at the private concert. You see I made a lot of calls and write a lot of emails so I could get Harry Styles to sing to Ally in a private concert just get and I. Ally has seen Harry Styles in concert a couple times when he was in One Direction, when Ally found out that he was going on tour she went online to buy tickets but they were all sold out.

After six days of searching for Harry Styles manager's number I called and got a private concert for Ally and I, but I guess not anymore. Maybe I can ask if all of Team 10 and my family can go and see him.

(I don't really know the name of Harry Styles manager, let's pretend his name is Eric)

"Hi, Mr. Foreman I'm sorry to bother you, this is Ivan Martinez."

"Oh yes Mr. Martinez, Harry Styles is ready to preform the private concert for you and Ally tonight at seven. He is very excited to play for you two." Mr.Foreman says, oh no how am I going to tell him that I am bringing my friends and Ally.

I'm still going to tell Ally about the private concert, it would be really cold of me to invite all of Team 10 and my family to the free concert and not Ally. It would also be weird if Ally and I went together by ourselves.

"Mr. Foreman, I am to very excited for the concert but is it alright if I bring some of my friends with me, I will pay extra if I need to."

"Oh no it's alright for you to bring your friends but please tell them that they can not tell anyone about the concert. We wouldn't want for the concert to get ruined. And if you don't mind me asking why are your friends coming along, not to sound rude."

"Ally said yes, but she would like to celebrate with all of our friends so that we could all have a great time." Yes, I lied but I can't tell him Ally broke up with me, I don't want to tell him that.

"Alright that is fine, how many please are we expecting?"

"Seventeen people."

"Alright sounds good. Please call or text when you guys will be heading to Wembley Stadium, goodbye Mr.Martinez." Mr. Foreman says hanging up.

"Hey guys would you like to go to a concert in four hours?" I ask everyone, I translate for my mom.

Everyone nods saying that they would love to but they don't know who is having a concert tonight and they don't have tickets.

"Well I planned a private concert for Ally and I as a surprise I booked a Harry Styles concert, so when Ally said yes we would go to the concert after as a celebration. But now I would like for us all to go concert and I'm going to tell Ally about it as well. I know that she would love to go." I says whispering Harry Styles name, because I dk t want people around to hear me. Everyone nods saying that they would love to go with me.

"Mi'jo, it's very nice of you to invite Ally to the private concert. I know that you wanted to marry Ally, but I promise that everything will be alright in the end. I know that someday you and Ally will be together." My mom says hugging me.

I really hope my mom is right, but only time will tell.

Dedicated to @leslict

To have the last chapter decimated to you be the first person to comment what show Eric Foreman is from.

Only one more chapter left till the second book.

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