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Ivan in the beginning when he got scared was so cute and then at the end when the lady said Emilio & Ivan were adorable. They blushed so hard it was honestly to cute.

Dedicated to  Mayaisstillhere for the great chapter idea

Ally's POV

I'm usually not one to write in diary is right down my feelings like every other girl probably does but I have to write this down so if somebody finds it they will know the truth. What about to do is not only gonna break my heart but I didn't hurt too I don't want to do this but I feel that if I don't it might truly be the end of Ivan and I. Are usually don't take threats seriously but this one has me more worried than ever I have to do this for Ivan.

I go downstairs holding in all my tears, I see Ivan and Emilio sitting at kitchen island eating I don't want to do this but I have to Ivan and Emilio's sake.

"Ivan I need to talk to you right now it's serious." I think it's up noticing the word my face not worried for myself but worried for him,

"Where is Ally, do you need something?" God he's so sweet and caring but I have to do this I can't delay it anymore.

" Ivan I'm breaking up with you. Sorry but it just hasn't been working out. I'm gonna be totally honest with you I have been seeing Max behind your back so  our relationship is over." The look on Ivan's face is pure shock, betrayal and sadness. I can't stand to look at him anymore I go upstairs and jump on my bed crying.

I know what you're thinking Ally what's wrong with you? Why would you break up with him? What did he do? Why did you cheat on him? How long have you been cheating on him with your ex-boyfriend Max?

Well here's the truth about a week ago Max called me, which I don't understand how he got my number since I changed it from when I left high school. He told me that if I didn't break up with IT then by the end of this week he would find a way to take away Ivan and Emilio's education visa. And once the education visa is gone they have to go back to Spain. And the only reason I know he's being serious it's because his dad works with the people they give the education visas.

I don't want to break up with Ivan I have no reason to his perfect in every way but I have to you I don't want him to go back to Spain for no reason unless of course it's for his family and friends I can't be the reason he and Emilio are sent back.


"Ally you need to come downstairs and talk with us, you've been up here since this afternoon it's nine thirty please come down." Chad says sitting on my bed. And shook my head no not trusting my words I know that if I talk and crying again. "Ally please come down we're all worried about you. Yes, we heard about you and Ivan but that doesn't mean you have to lock yourself in your room all day you need to come downstairs."

I'm nod following Chad downstairs and when I see breaks my heart. Ivan is lying in Emilio's bed facedown with his shoulder shaking. I can only hear a slight sniffles and Emilio telling Ivan something in Spanish. When I get to the bottom of the stairs everyone looks at me almost with disgust.

"Ally please come here." Nick says motioning for me to follow him to the office. I follow him into the office and he closes and locks the door behind us.

"I heard about you and Ivan, and I'm not here to judge you or anything. I just wanted to tell you privately so nobody in team 10 mainly Ivan wouldn't hear this but Mac called and he said he's going to pick you up in about an hour to go on a date to the beach so I just wanted to let you know." I nod walking back upstairs to my room to get ready for the date.

As I'm changing into my clothes for the beach I come across the crop top I has Ivan and my name on it. I try not to cry putting it on my bed and looking for another shirt to wear. Just as I finish curling my hair there's a knock at my door.

"Ally,  Max is here he's waiting downstairs in the kitchen." Jake says before closing my door. I Ladda say knowing that Ivan is the answer is probably really upset to see Max at the door.

I walked downstairs and Max🕷🕸 talking to Nick and Chad about I don't know what. I look over the twins bed's sing them both watching videos on YouTube. Max turns seeing me and kisses my forehead. I try my hardest not to pull away knowing that if I do Max will contact his dad.

"Alright babe let's go. Bye everyone I have her back in two hours." Max🕷🕸 says as you walk out the door. I'm not gonna lie walking out the door was just like shutting the door and Ivan and my relationship forever.

The whole time that we're at the restaurant on the beach Max tells me how much he missed me, all the times that we laughed, spent time each other's house, going on trips. And I'm not gonna lie those were great times but they will never amount to the fun I had been with Ivan.

After the restaurant I walk on the beach hand-in-hand I don't want to hold his hand but I must. I am us feel like I'm a prisoner to Max.

On the way home Max tells me about the date we're going to have tomorrow and how much time we're going to spend together, the whole time I pray that he will become sick or I'll be sick so I don't have to go.

Max walks me into the house. we don't even make it five steps in before he's knocked on the ground. All I saw was a flash of pink and some words in Spanish that I don't understand.

I look down saying that Ivan has tackled Max to the floor. He's yelling at him in Spanish about something and all I understand about it is that he says the word threatened.

The next thing I see is Nick, Chad Kayde , Emilio and Jake pull Ivan been  of Max , they both hold them away from each other.

"You better stay away for me.  You're just jealous that Ally chose me over you. I can't believe you actually thought she loved you! Hell who would ever love you you're nothing,  you are just some little pretty boy!" Max says it practically spitting at Ivan.

"You're a liar she does love me! Anyone know how I know that I was walking past her room when I saw a  notebook laying on her floor I know that Ally never likes to have anything miss placed in her room so when I went to go put it on her desk I noticed a page was folded over. I turned the pages trying to fix it and on that page it said that you threatened that if Ally didn't update you again you tell your father about Emilio and I taking away our education visas. But I did some research and you guys can't take away our education visas until we are 18!" Ivan says while trying to get away from the Emilio and Jake.

I look over at Max to see that he has got completely pale. This is it, oh my god this means I don't have to date Max anymore!

"Max, leave this house now and after tonight I'm getting a restraining order on you."

" But Ally come on you have to admit we're perfect for each other." Max says trying to get away from Nick and Chad.

"Get out of this house now!" Nick and Chad let Max go, he runs to his car driving away down the street.

I look back at most of Team 10 not knowing what to say or do.

"Ally since I now know that you breaking up with me was because of Max are we still together?"  Ivan asks shyly, I know that kissing his cheek.

"Of course Ivan I love you."

"I love you to Ally." We kiss making everyone around us cheer and hug us.

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